
Dependents of Motor

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Simulation of flight pitch control with servo sweep.
receiver code which helps the vehicle to move forward, backward, left and right
Control a robot with two motors and two servos to pick up ping pong balls via bluetooth
final project code, part 2 task 7, deliverable
Bangobot code
motor portion of pinball project for ECE 4180 Final Project
all publish
all publish
Alphabot2-AR line tracking Handong
Taller de control
A program which uses twin DC motors and a lidar to drive a robot controlled by a gamepad through an mbed.
Twin Motor Spybot using Mbed with bluetooth connection to a PC
ECE 4180 Final Project - Georgia Institute of Technology by LZ and EM
This is the receiver code for the 4180 project.
Code for mbed on robot that polls DigitalIn pins to control robot movement via 2 DC motors
Balances a robot on two wheels using a PID controller for fine tuning the motor speed and behavior. It uses an IMU to send input to the PID controller and …
ECE 4180 Final Project, curiosity rover
Drink Dispensing Program
A ketchup bot
Attempt at controlling a specific single-axle robot to balance, by driving motors using filtered IMU data
4180 Lab 2
Hbridge Motor Code
Code to create your own Bluetooth controlled Ping Pong Ball tank style launcher. bluetooth, esc, Launcher, Ping Pong, VEX
Mbed-side code for control of the Xbox controlled camera bot.
évitement d obstacles NN
Lab 2 Part 10
lab2 part 6 starter code