
Dependents of Motor

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Single direction, PWM control of a DC Motor ELNC-1104
linear actuator
This is the end of 3.1 and corresponds to ElevatorLab_part3.m in Matlab
Final Version.
Bluetooth-controlled Robot with RFID switching mode
MBED Bluetooth Controlled Party Bus
This will open and close your curtains. Position of the IR sensor determines when the curtain is open. bluetooth, bridge, bt, btle, h, IR, sensor
Mini Design Project demonstrating a Bluetooth Controlled Robot
ECE 4180 Lab 4. Wifi robot controlled via webpage with Huzzah ESP8266 chip as server.
Code written for the encoder
Lab 7 part 1
1st Version of LiveXboxRobot project. Robot side. controller, GUI, robot, video, Xbox
idk what a fork is
First try of code involving all subsystems
RX for Temperature Controlled Fan
Skittle Sorter Running Code. skittle, sorter
Xbee robot with telemetry, robot code
The purpose of this project was to create a system that would allow users to monitor a locked device using a Bluetooth device. This Bluetooth device will show the last …
Robot using IMU and IR sensor data to drive autonomously and create a map bluetooth, robot
Integral Control
Logic Control
Compensator Implementation
Prototype program for balancing robot based on various examples from other users.
Robot code for searching an object and charging at it.
Bluetooth Controlled Robot with IR Sensor
Frogger for mbed