
Dependents of Motor

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Windshield wiper servos and reversing motor
Integral Control code for lab 4
Logical control algorithm for lab 4
Proportional control algorithm for lab 4
preliminary code
Just trying to read values into Terraterm
Our final project code
Autonomous Vehicle Project Upload
Final Project
Autonomous Vehicle Project Re-Upload: Revisions made to comments to better clarify what is being executed and clear up any inconsistencies, which can be discussed in person.
RGB car not completed bluetooth, UPAEP
motor hello world
Lab2_part7_Motor and extra credit (robot) control, motor
part 1
part 3 good
Turning Robot with IMU and calibrate the straight movement
This Lab4 Robot Car Project. car, Lab4, robot
This Lab4 Robot Car Project. car, Lab4, robot
This Lab4 Robot Car Project. car, Lab4, robot