mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Dependents:   Nucleo_Hello_Encoder BLE_iBeaconScan AM1805_DEMO DISCO-F429ZI_ExportTemplate1 ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_NANO100/device/StdDriver/nano100_dac.c	Mon Oct 02 15:33:19 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * @file     dac.c
+ * @version  V1.00
+ * $Revision: 4 $
+ * $Date: 14/09/08 12:31p $
+ * @brief    NANO100 series DAC driver source file
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
+#include "Nano100Series.h"
+/** @addtogroup NANO100_Device_Driver NANO100 Device Driver
+  @{
+/** @addtogroup NANO100_DAC_Driver DAC Driver
+  @{
+/** @addtogroup NANO100_DAC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS DAC Exported Functions
+  @{
+  * @brief This function make a DAC channel ready to convert.
+  * @param[in] dac Base address of DAC module.
+  * @param[in] u32Ch DAC channel number, could be 0 or 1
+  * @param[in] u32TrgSrc Decides the trigger source of specified DAC channel. Valid options are:
+  *                      - \ref DAC_WRITE_DAT_TRIGGER
+  *                      - \ref DAC_PDMA_TRIGGER
+  *                      - \ref DAC_TIMER0_TRIGGER
+  *                      - \ref DAC_TIMER1_TRIGGER
+  *                      - \ref DAC_TIMER2_TRIGGER
+  *                      - \ref DAC_TIMER3_TRIGGER
+  * @return None
+  * @note This API also set DAC stable time to 2uc according to current PCLK
+  */
+void DAC_Open(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Ch, uint32_t u32TrgSrc)
+    uint32_t u32Delay;
+    // DAC needs 6 us to stable after power on
+    u32Delay = CLK_GetHCLKFreq() * 6 / 1000000;
+    if(u32Delay == 0)
+        u32Delay++;
+    if(u32Ch == 0)
+        DAC->CTL0 = (u32Delay << DAC_CTL_DACPWONSTBCNT_Pos) | u32TrgSrc | DAC_CTL_DACEN_Msk;
+    else
+        DAC->CTL1 = (u32Delay << DAC_CTL_DACPWONSTBCNT_Pos) | u32TrgSrc | DAC_CTL_DACEN_Msk;
+    // DAC needs 2 us to stable after convert.
+    u32Delay = CLK_GetHCLKFreq() * 2 / 1000000;
+    if(u32Delay == 0)
+        u32Delay++;
+  * @brief Disable DAC analog power.
+  * @param[in] dac Base address of DAC module.
+  * @param[in] u32Ch DAC channel number, could be 0 or 1
+  * @return None
+  * @details Disable DAC analog power for saving power consumption.
+  */
+void DAC_Close(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Ch)
+    if(u32Ch == 0) {
+        DAC->CTL0 &= ~DAC_CTL_DACEN_Msk;
+    } else {
+        DAC->CTL1 &= ~DAC_CTL_DACEN_Msk;
+    }
+  * @brief Set delay time for DAC to become stable.
+  * @param[in] dac Base address of DAC module.
+  * @param[in] u32Delay Decides the DAC conversion settling time, Valid values are between 1~0xFF.
+  * @return Success or failed
+  * @retval 0 Success
+  * @retval -1 Failed, the new setting will cause stable time less than 2us. So new setting is not applied.
+  * @details For example, DAC controller clock speed is 12MHz and DAC conversion settling time is 3 us,
+  *          u32Delay should be given the value 3 * 12 = 36.
+  * @note User needs to write appropriate value to meet DAC conversion settling time base on
+  *       PCLK (APB clock) speed. Minimum delay is 2 us.
+  * @note This setting is shared by both DAC channels.
+  */
+int DAC_SetDelayTime(DAC_T *dac, uint32_t u32Delay)
+    uint32_t u32Dly;
+    // DAC needs 2 us to stable after DAC convert, calculate minimal setting
+    u32Dly = CLK_GetHCLKFreq() * 2 / 1000000;
+    if(u32Dly == 0)
+        u32Dly++;
+    if(u32Delay < u32Dly)  // return error id stable time is shorter than 2us
+        return -1;
+    return 0;
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_DAC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_DAC_Driver */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_Device_Driver */
+/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/