This is a test Program for the Class Matrix version 1.6.4

Dependencies:   Matrix Kinematics mbed TrackVector2D MatrixMath

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Oct 22 23:20:26 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 03 17:57:25 2011 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 int main() {
     DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-    Timer t;
+    Timer t,t2;
@@ -18,43 +18,43 @@
              << 4  << 5  << 6
              << 7  << 8  << 9;
-    printf( "\nmyMatrix \n");
+    printf( "\nmyMatrix:\n\n");
     printf( "\n" );
-    /** Matrix operations **/
+    // Matrix operations //
     // Add 5 to negative Matrix 
     anotherMatrix = - myMatrix + 5;
-    printf( "Result Matrix: anotherMatrix = - myMatrix + 5\n" );
+    printf( "Result Matrix: anotherMatrix = - myMatrix + 5\n\n" );
     printf( "\n" );
     // Matrix Multiplication *
     anotherMatrix *=  myMatrix;
-    printf( "anotherMatrix = anotherMatrix * myMatrix\n" );
+    printf( "\nanotherMatrix = anotherMatrix * myMatrix\n\n" );
     printf( "\n" );
     // Scalar Matrix Multiplication anotherMatrix *= 0.5
     anotherMatrix *= 0.5;
-    printf( "Result Matrix *= 0.5:\n" );
+    printf( "\nResult Matrix *= 0.5:\n\n" );
     printf( "    _______________________________ \n" );
-    printf("** MEMBER OPERATIONS ** \n\n");
+    printf("\n\n *** MEMBER OPERATIONS *** \n\n");
     //Copy myMatrix
     Matrix temp( myMatrix );
     // Resize Matrix
-    printf("\nAdded one Column, one Row to the limitsof myMatrix saved in temp Matrix\n");
+    printf("\nAdded one Column, one Row to the limits of myMatrix saved in temp Matrix\n");
     //Delete those new elements, we don't need them anyway.
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@
     printf("\nAdded Just one Row and column to the beginning\n");
-    // Take the second Row as a New Matrix
+    // Take the second Row as a new Matrix
     anotherMatrix = Matrix::ExportRow( temp, 2 );
     printf("\nExport Second Row \n");
-    // The second Column as a ner Matrix, then transpose it to make it a Row
+    // The second Column as a new Matrix, then transpose it to make it a Row
     anotherMatrix = Matrix::ExportCol( temp, 2 );
     anotherMatrix = MatrixMath::Transpose( anotherMatrix );
     printf("\nAnd Export Second Column and Transpose it \n");
@@ -88,39 +88,74 @@
     printf("\nInitial Matrix turned into a single Row\n");
-    /**  Mtrix Math  **/
-    printf("\n Matrix Inverse and Determinant\n");
+    //  Matrix Math  //
+    printf("\n\n *** Matrix Inverse and Determinant ***\n");
+    Matrix BigMat( 8, 8 );
-    Matrix BigMat( 5, 5 );
-    BigMat   << 1 << 0  << 1 << 1 << 3
-             << 2 << 3  << 4 << 0 << 4
-             << 1 << 6  << 1 << 1 << 2
-             << 1 << 0  << 2 << 1 << 1
-             << 2 << 3  << 4 << 2 << 0;
+    BigMat   << 1 << 0.3 << 1.0 << 1 << 3 << 0.5 << 7.12 << 899
+             << 2 << 3.2 << 4.1 << 0 << 4 << 0.8 << 9.26 << 321
+             << 5 << 6.0 << 1   << 1 << 2 << 7.4 << 3.87 << 562
+             << 1 << 0.0 << 2.7 << 1 << 1 << 4.6 << 1.21 << 478
+             << 2 << 3.7 << 48  << 2 << 0 << 77  << 0.19 << 147
+             << 1 << 1.0 << 3.8 << 7 << 1 << 9.9 << 7.25 << 365
+             << 9 << 0.9 << 2.7 << 8 << 0 << 13  << 4.16 << 145
+             << 7 << 23  << 28  << 9 << 9 << 1.7 << 9.16 << 156;
     printf( "\nBigMat:\n");
     printf( "\n" );
+    t2.start();
     float determ = MatrixMath::det( BigMat );
+    Matrix myInv = MatrixMath::Inv( BigMat );
+    t2.stop();
     printf( "\nBigMat's Determinant is: %f \n", determ);
     printf( "\n" );
-    Matrix myInv = MatrixMath::Inv( BigMat );
     printf( "\nBigMat's Inverse is:\n");
     printf( "\n" );
+    //***  Homogenous Transformations **//
+    printf( "\n\n *** TRANSFORMATIONS *** \n\n");
+    Matrix rot;
+    printf( " RotX  0.5 rad \n" );
+    rot = MatrixMath::RotX(0.5);
+    rot.print();
+    printf( "    _______________________________ \n\n" );
+    printf( " RotY  0.5 rad \n" );
+    rot = MatrixMath::RotY(0.5);
+    rot.print();
+    printf( "    _______________________________ \n\n" );
+    printf( " RotZ  0.5 rad \n" );
+    rot = MatrixMath::RotZ(0.5);
+    rot.print();
+    printf( "    _______________________________ \n\n" );
+    printf( " Transl  5x 3y 4z\n" );
+    rot = MatrixMath::Transl( 5, 3, 4 );
+    rot.print();
+    printf( "    _______________________________ \n\n" );
+ //---
-    printf( "\nThe time for all those operations in mbed was : %f seconds\n", );
-    printf( "\nMost of it is due to printf though in my core i5 takes 100ms with printf() \n" );
-    printf( "\nOnly operations witout any print takes: 0.025 seconds :) \n" );
+    float bigtime =;
+    float average = 12.149647 - bigtime;
+    printf( "\n\nThe time for all those operations in mbed was : %f seconds\n", );
+    printf( "\nOnly operations witout any print takes: 12.149647 seconds\n" );
+    printf( "\nDue to the 8x8 matrix alone takes: %f \n",bigtime );
+    printf( "\nSo normal 4x4 matrix ops: %f\n", average );
     while(1) {
         myled = 1;