Mbed online compiler - poor performance

18 Jul 2017

I'm having lots of problems recently with performance of the on-line development environment. This ranges from the 'Status: Initializing...' dialog that never progresses to failed compilations due to server load.

This is making mbed completely unusable as a development environemnt.

Is there such a thing as a status page to check on any outstanding issues and when they are likely to be resolved?



18 Jul 2017


18 Jul 2017

Just found the status page. Is pretty useless as it has not been updated for 9 hours: http://mbed.status.io/

18 Jul 2017

Personally I am unable to copy/paste libraries from a project to an other or even Clone a project since a couple of hours. Don't know if it's related to a global problem or if it's just me.

Edit: I just have the "Unabled to copy source" error