Problem with InterruptIn

01 Jul 2012

Hi all,

Today I am working with the next method and InterruptIn:

InterruptIn IncreaseTimeButton(p21);

int configurateMinutes() {

int urenNew = myTimer.uren;

return minutenNew; }


When I compile the code I get this error: "no instance of overloaded function "mbed::InterruptIn::rise" matches the argument list" in file "/main.cpp", Line: 399, Col: 42

I think the problem is that the method has a returntype int.

Hopefully somebody can help me.

01 Jul 2012

Well you already said it yourself, your function returns an int, and that isn't allowed with the rise function. Question would also be, to where is it returning its integer?

So you need to make it a void, you can use global variables if it should pass something on to your main program.