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00001 /*
00002 # This file is Copyright 2002 Dean Hall.
00003 # This file is part of the PyMite VM.
00004 # This file is licensed under the MIT License.
00005 # See the LICENSE file for details.
00006 */
00009 #ifndef __LIST_H__
00010 #define __LIST_H__
00012 /**
00013  * \file
00014  * \brief List Object Type
00015  *
00016  * List object type header.
00017  */
00019 /**
00020  * List obj
00021  *
00022  * Mutable ordered sequence of objects.  Contains ptr to linked list of nodes.
00023  */
00024 typedef struct PmList_s
00025 {
00026     /** Object descriptor */
00027     PmObjDesc_t od;
00029     /** List length; number of objs linked */
00030     uint16_t length;
00032     /** Ptr to linked list of nodes */
00033     pSeglist_t val;
00034 } PmList_t,
00035  *pPmList_t;
00038 /**
00039  * Allocates a new List object.
00040  *
00041  * If there is not enough memory to allocate the List,
00042  * the return status will indicate an OutOfMemoryError
00043  * that must be passed up to the interpreter.
00044  * Otherwise, a ptr to the list is returned by reference
00045  * and the return status is OK.
00046  *
00047  * @param   r_pobj Return; addr of ptr to obj
00048  * @return  Return status
00049  */
00050 PmReturn_t list_new(pPmObj_t *r_pobj);
00052 /**
00053  * Gets the object in the list at the index.
00054  *
00055  * @param   plist Ptr to list obj
00056  * @param   index Index into list
00057  * @param   r_pobj Return by reference; ptr to item
00058  * @return  Return status
00059  */
00060 PmReturn_t list_getItem(pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t *r_pobj);
00062 /**
00063  * Sets the item in the list at the index.
00064  *
00065  * @param   plist Ptr to list
00066  * @param   index Index into list
00067  * @param   pobj Ptr to obj to put into list
00068  * @return  Return status
00069  */
00070 PmReturn_t list_setItem(pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t pobj);
00072 /**
00073  * Makes a copy of the given list.
00074  *
00075  * Allocate the necessary memory for root and nodes.
00076  * Duplicate ptrs to objs.
00077  *
00078  * @param   pobj Ptr to source list
00079  * @param   r_pobj Return; Addr of ptr to return obj
00080  * @return  Return status
00081  */
00082 PmReturn_t list_copy(pPmObj_t pobj, pPmObj_t *r_pobj);
00084 /**
00085  * Appends the given obj to the end of the given list.
00086  *
00087  * Allocate the memory for the node.
00088  * Do not copy obj, just reuse ptr.
00089  *
00090  * @param   plist Ptr to list
00091  * @param   pobj Ptr to item to append
00092  * @return  Return status
00093  */
00094 PmReturn_t list_append(pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t pobj);
00096 /**
00097  * Creates a new list with the contents of psrclist
00098  * copied pint number of times.
00099  * This implements the python code "[0,...] * N"
00100  * where the list can be any list and N is an integer.
00101  *
00102  * @param   psrclist The source list to replicate
00103  * @param   n The integer number of times to replicate it
00104  * @param   r_pnewlist Return; new list with its contents set.
00105  * @return  Return status
00106  */
00107 PmReturn_t list_replicate(pPmObj_t psrclist, int16_t n, pPmObj_t *r_pnewlist);
00109 /**
00110  * Inserts the object into the list at the desired index.
00111  *
00112  * @param   plist Ptr to list obj
00113  * @param   pobj Ptr to obj to insert
00114  * @param   index Index of where to insert obj
00115  * @return  Return status
00116  */
00117 PmReturn_t list_insert(pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t pobj);
00119 /**
00120  * Removes a given object from the list.
00121  *
00122  * @param   plist Ptr to list obj
00123  * @param   item Ptr to object to be removed
00124  * @return  Return status
00125  */
00126 PmReturn_t list_remove(pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t item);
00128 /**
00129  * Finds the first index of the item that matches pitem.
00130  * Returns an ValueError Exception if the item is not found.
00131  *
00132  * @param   plist Ptr to list obj
00133  * @param   pitem Ptr to object to be removed
00134  * @param   r_index Return by reference; ptr to index (C uint16)
00135  * @return  Return status
00136  */
00137 PmReturn_t list_index(pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t pitem, uint16_t *r_index);
00139 /**
00140  * Removes the item at the given index.
00141  * Raises a TypeError if the first argument is not a list.
00142  * Raises an IndexError if the index is out of bounds.
00143  *
00144  * @param   plist Ptr to list obj
00145  * @param   index Index of item to remove
00146  * @return  Return status
00147  */
00148 PmReturn_t list_delItem(pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index);
00150 #ifdef HAVE_PRINT
00151 /**
00152  * Prints out a list. Uses obj_print() to print elements.
00153  *
00154  * @param pobj Object to print.
00155  * @return Return status
00156  */
00157 PmReturn_t list_print(pPmObj_t pobj);
00158 #endif /* HAVE_PRINT */
00160 /**
00161  * Removes all items from the list and zeroes the length.
00162  *
00163  * @param plist List to clear
00164  * @return Return status
00165  */
00166 PmReturn_t list_clear(pPmObj_t plist);
00168 #endif /* __LIST_H__ */