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list.h File Reference

list.h File Reference

List Object Type. More...

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Data Structures

struct  PmList_s
 List obj. More...


typedef struct PmList_s PmList_t
 List obj.


PmReturn_t list_new (pPmObj_t *r_pobj)
 Allocates a new List object.
PmReturn_t list_getItem (pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t *r_pobj)
 Gets the object in the list at the index.
PmReturn_t list_setItem (pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t pobj)
 Sets the item in the list at the index.
PmReturn_t list_copy (pPmObj_t pobj, pPmObj_t *r_pobj)
 Makes a copy of the given list.
PmReturn_t list_append (pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t pobj)
 Appends the given obj to the end of the given list.
PmReturn_t list_replicate (pPmObj_t psrclist, int16_t n, pPmObj_t *r_pnewlist)
 Creates a new list with the contents of psrclist copied pint number of times.
PmReturn_t list_insert (pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index, pPmObj_t pobj)
 Inserts the object into the list at the desired index.
PmReturn_t list_remove (pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t item)
 Removes a given object from the list.
PmReturn_t list_index (pPmObj_t plist, pPmObj_t pitem, uint16_t *r_index)
 Finds the first index of the item that matches pitem.
PmReturn_t list_delItem (pPmObj_t plist, int16_t index)
 Removes the item at the given index.
PmReturn_t list_print (pPmObj_t pobj)
 Prints out a list.
PmReturn_t list_clear (pPmObj_t plist)
 Removes all items from the list and zeroes the length.

Detailed Description

List Object Type.

List object type header.

Definition in file list.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct PmList_s PmList_t

List obj.

Mutable ordered sequence of objects. Contains ptr to linked list of nodes.

Function Documentation

PmReturn_t list_append ( pPmObj_t  plist,
pPmObj_t  pobj 

Appends the given obj to the end of the given list.

Allocate the memory for the node. Do not copy obj, just reuse ptr.

plistPtr to list
pobjPtr to item to append
Return status

Definition at line 25 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_clear ( pPmObj_t  plist )

Removes all items from the list and zeroes the length.

plistList to clear
Return status

Definition at line 399 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_copy ( pPmObj_t  pobj,
pPmObj_t r_pobj 

Makes a copy of the given list.

Allocate the necessary memory for root and nodes. Duplicate ptrs to objs.

pobjPtr to source list
r_pobjReturn; Addr of ptr to return obj
Return status

Definition at line 163 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_delItem ( pPmObj_t  plist,
int16_t  index 

Removes the item at the given index.

Raises a TypeError if the first argument is not a list. Raises an IndexError if the index is out of bounds.

plistPtr to list obj
indexIndex of item to remove
Return status

Definition at line 317 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_getItem ( pPmObj_t  plist,
int16_t  index,
pPmObj_t r_pobj 

Gets the object in the list at the index.

plistPtr to list obj
indexIndex into list
r_pobjReturn by reference; ptr to item
Return status

Definition at line 61 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_index ( pPmObj_t  plist,
pPmObj_t  pitem,
uint16_t *  r_index 

Finds the first index of the item that matches pitem.

Returns an ValueError Exception if the item is not found.

plistPtr to list obj
pitemPtr to object to be removed
r_indexReturn by reference; ptr to index (C uint16)
Return status

Definition at line 275 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_insert ( pPmObj_t  plist,
int16_t  index,
pPmObj_t  pobj 

Inserts the object into the list at the desired index.

plistPtr to list obj
pobjPtr to obj to insert
indexIndex of where to insert obj
Return status

Definition at line 92 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_new ( pPmObj_t r_pobj )

Allocates a new List object.

If there is not enough memory to allocate the List, the return status will indicate an OutOfMemoryError that must be passed up to the interpreter. Otherwise, a ptr to the list is returned by reference and the return status is OK.

r_pobjReturn; addr of ptr to obj
Return status

Definition at line 143 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_print ( pPmObj_t  pobj )

Prints out a list.

Uses obj_print() to print elements.

pobjObject to print.
Return status

Definition at line 357 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_remove ( pPmObj_t  plist,
pPmObj_t  item 

Removes a given object from the list.

plistPtr to list obj
itemPtr to object to be removed
Return status

Definition at line 244 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_replicate ( pPmObj_t  psrclist,
int16_t  n,
pPmObj_t r_pnewlist 

Creates a new list with the contents of psrclist copied pint number of times.

This implements the python code "[0,...] * N" where the list can be any list and N is an integer.

psrclistThe source list to replicate
nThe integer number of times to replicate it
r_pnewlistReturn; new list with its contents set.
Return status

Definition at line 170 of file list.c.

PmReturn_t list_setItem ( pPmObj_t  plist,
int16_t  index,
pPmObj_t  pobj 

Sets the item in the list at the index.

plistPtr to list
indexIndex into list
pobjPtr to obj to put into list
Return status

Definition at line 213 of file list.c.