UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:62a1c91a859a:

// ===============================================================================================
// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
// =                                 =
// ===============================================================================================

//    This is part of UAVXArm.

//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
//    License, or (at your option) any later version.

//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.

//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
//    If not, see

#include "UAVXArm.h"

void ZeroStats(void);
void ReadStatsPX(void);
void WriteStatsPX(void);
void ShowStats(void);

int16     Stats[MAX_STATS];

#define INIT_MIN 1000L

void ZeroStats(void)
    int8 s;

    for (s = 0 ; s < MAX_STATS ; s++ )
        Stats[s] = 0;

    Stats[MinHDiluteS] = INIT_MIN;
    Stats[MaxHDiluteS] = 0;
    Stats[MinROCS] = INIT_MIN;
    Stats[MaxROCS] = 0;
    Stats[GPSMinSatsS] = INIT_MIN;
    Stats[GPSMaxSatsS] = 0;
    Stats[MinTempS] = INIT_MIN;
    Stats[MaxTempS] = 0;

} // ZeroStats

void ReadStatsPX(void)
    int8 s;

    for (s = 0 ; s < MAX_STATS ; s++ )
        Stats[s] = Read16PX(STATS_ADDR_PX + s*2);
} // InitStats

void WriteStatsPX()
    int8 s, i;
    int16 Temp;

    if ( P[ESCType] != ESCPPM )
        for ( i = 0; i < NoOfI2CESCOutputs; i++ )
            Stats[ESCI2CFailS] += ESCI2CFail[i];

    for (s = 0 ; s < MAX_STATS ; s++ )
        Write16PX(STATS_ADDR_PX + s*2, Stats[s]);

    Temp = ToPercent(CruiseThrottle, OUT_MAXIMUM);
    WritePX(PercentCruiseThr, Temp);

} // WriteStatsPX

void ShowStats(void)
    TxString("\r\nFlight Statistics\r\n");

    if ( Stats[BadS] != 0 )
        TxString("Misc(gke):     \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[BadS],0,' '); TxVal32((int32)Stats[BadNumS],0,' ');TxNextLine();

    TxString("\r\nSensor/Rx Failures (Count)\r\n");
    TxString("I2CBus:   \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[I2CFailS],0,0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("GPS:      \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[GPSInvalidS],0,0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("Acc:      \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[AccFailS], 0, 0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("Gyro:     \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[GyroFailS], 0, 0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("Comp:     \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[CompassFailS], 0, 0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("Baro:     \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[BaroFailS],0 , 0); TxNextLine();
    if ( P[ESCType] != ESCPPM )
        TxString("I2CESC:   \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[ESCI2CFailS],0 , 0); TxNextLine();
    TxString("Rx:       \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[RCGlitchesS],0,' '); TxNextLine(); 
    TxString("Failsafes:\t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[RCFailsafesS],0,' '); TxNextLine();
    TxString("\r\nBaro\r\n"); // can only display to 3276M
    TxString("Alt:      \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[BaroRelAltitudeS], 1, ' '); TxString("M \r\n");
    if ( Stats[MinROCS] < INIT_MIN )
        TxString("ROC:      \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[MinROCS], 1, ' '); 
                            TxVal32((int32)Stats[MaxROCS], 1, ' '); TxString("M/S\r\n");
    if ( Stats[MinTempS] < INIT_MIN )
        TxString("Ambient:  \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[MinTempS], 1, ' '); 
                            TxVal32((int32)Stats[MaxTempS], 1, ' '); TxString("C\r\n");

    TxString("Alt:      \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[GPSAltitudeS], 1, ' '); TxString("M\r\n");
    TxString("Vel:      \t");TxVal32(ConvertGPSToM((int32)Stats[GPSVelS]), 1, ' '); TxString("M/S\r\n"); 

    if ( Stats[GPSMinSatsS] < INIT_MIN )
        TxString("Sats:     \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[GPSMinSatsS], 0, ' ');
        TxVal32((int32)Stats[GPSMaxSatsS], 0, 0); TxNextLine();

    if ( Stats[MinHDiluteS] < INIT_MIN )
        TxString("HDilute:  \t");TxVal32((int32)Stats[MinHDiluteS], 2, ' ');
        TxVal32((int32)Stats[MaxHDiluteS], 2, 0); TxNextLine();

    if ( Stats[NavValidS] )
        TxString("Navigation ENABLED\r\n");    
        TxString("Navigation DISABLED (No fix at launch)\r\n");
} // ShowStats