Test program for the MMA8451Q library

Dependencies:   FRDM_MMA8451Q mbed

Fork of FRDM_MMA8451Q by mbed official

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 19 23:46:45 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue May 28 20:24:11 2013 +0000
@@ -2,17 +2,130 @@
 #include "MMA8451Q.h"
 #define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
+MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
+PwmOut rled(LED_RED);
+PwmOut gled(LED_GREEN);
+PwmOut bled(LED_BLUE);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+void motion( void);             // callback function for motion detection mode
+void freefall( void);           // callback function for freefall detection mode
+void orientation( void);        // callback function for orientation detection mode
+void dataready( void);
+unsigned int ff, md, od;
+float sensor_data[3];
 int main(void) {
-    MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
-    PwmOut rled(LED_RED);
-    PwmOut gled(LED_GREEN);
-    PwmOut bled(LED_BLUE);
+    rled = 0.0;
+    gled = 0.0;
+    bled = 0.0;
+    ff = md = 0;
+    pc.baud( 230400);
+    pc.printf("MMA8451 Accelerometer. [%X]\r\n", acc.getWhoAmI());
-    while (true) {
-        rled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccX());
-        gled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccY());
-        bled = 1.0 - abs(acc.getAccZ());
-        wait(0.1);
+    // 
+    pc.printf("FreeFall Detection\r\n");
+    // Configure the accelerometer for the freefall detection and
+    // set the callback function:
+    acc.FreeFallDetection( &freefall);
+    while( 1) {
+        // please type in a key:
+        if(pc.readable()) {
+            switch (pc.getc()) {
+                case 'f':
+                // Configure the accelerometer for the freefall detection and
+                // set the callback function:
+                pc.printf("FreeFall Detection\r\n");
+                acc.FreeFallDetection( &freefall);
+                break;
+                case 'm':
+                // Configure the accelerometer for the motion detection and
+                // set the callback function:
+                pc.printf("Motion Detection\r\n");
+                acc.MotionDetection( &motion);
+                break;
+                case 'o':
+                // Configure the accelerometer for the orientation detection and
+                // set the callback function:                
+                pc.printf("Orientation Detection\r\n");
+                acc.OrientationDetect( &orientation);
+                break;
+                case 'r':
+                // Configure the accelerometer for the data ready and
+                // set the callback function:                
+                pc.printf("Data Ready\r\n");
+                acc.DataReady( &dataready, cODR_1_56HZ);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+// callback function for orientation detection mode
+void orientation( void)
+    unsigned char o;
+    o = acc.GetOrientationState();
+    bled = 1.0;
+    od++;
+    //
+    if ( o & 0x01)
+        pc.printf("Front ");
+    else
+        pc.printf("Back ");
+    pc.printf("facing\r\n");
+    //
+    o = (o>>1) & 0x03;
+    switch( o) {
+        case 0:
+        pc.printf("Portrait Up ");
+        break;
+        case 1:
+        pc.printf("Portrait Down ");
+        break;
+        case 2:
+        pc.printf("Landscape Right ");
+        break;
+        case 3:
+        pc.printf("Landscape Left ");
+        break;                
+    }
+    pc.printf( "\r\nod %d\t ornt: %X\r\n", od, o);
+// callback function for motion detection mode
+void motion( void)
+    rled = 1.0;
+    md++;
+    pc.printf( "md %d\r\n", md);
+// callback function for freefall detection mode
+void freefall( void)
+    gled = 1.0;
+    ff++;
+    pc.printf( "ff %d\r\n", ff);    
+void dataready( void)
+    acc.getAccAllAxis( &sensor_data[0]);
+    pc.printf("X %f, Y %f, Z %f\r\n", sensor_data[0], sensor_data[1], sensor_data[2]);
\ No newline at end of file