Fork of LCD-Window which works with Enhanced TextLCD from Wim

Fork of LcdWindow by Hendrik Lipka

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for LcdWindow


DogmLCDSPI Class for connecting a DOGM16x LCD display, from electronic assembly ( )
HD44780LCD8bit Class for connecting HD44780-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode currently only 1 or 2 lines are supported
KS0108LCD8bit Class for connecting graphical KS0108-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode for displaying ASCII, the vincent font from is used (courtesy to Quinn Evans)
MultiWindow Class for combining multiple windows into a single one (by stacking them on top of each other)
SED1335TextLCD Class for connecting graphical SED1335-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode, and are using the internal 8x8 font
SPILCDBase Base class for all SPI based LCD displays
SubWindow A window class using only a part of a parent window for output
TeeWindow A window class duplicating all writes into all given parent windows (like the Unix 'tee' command)
Terminal A windows class which uses an internal buffer to provide automatic scrolling
TextLCDAdapter Adapter class to wrap a TextLCD instance as Window
TextLCDBase Base class for all (text based) LCD displays
Window Base window class, which proves the interface for all common methods


dogm_spi.cpp [code]
dogm_spi.h [code]
font.h [code]
hd44780_8bit.cpp [code]
hd44780_8bit.h [code]
ks0108_8bit.cpp [code]
ks0108_8bit.h [code]
lcd.h [code]
lcd_spi.cpp [code]
lcd_spi.h [code]
multiwindow.cpp [code]
multiwindow.h [code]
sed1335text.cpp [code]
sed1335text.h [code]
semaphore.cpp [code]
semaphore.h [code]
subwindow.cpp [code]
subwindow.h [code]
teewindow.cpp [code]
teewindow.h [code]
terminal.cpp [code]
terminal.h [code]
textlcdadapter.cpp [code]
textlcdadapter.h [code]
window.cpp [code]
window.h [code]