Fork of LCD-Window which works with Enhanced TextLCD from Wim

Fork of LcdWindow by Hendrik Lipka

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
DogmLCDSPIClass for connecting a DOGM16x LCD display, from electronic assembly ( )
HD44780LCD8bitClass for connecting HD44780-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode currently only 1 or 2 lines are supported
KS0108LCD8bitClass for connecting graphical KS0108-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode for displaying ASCII, the vincent font from is used (courtesy to Quinn Evans)
MultiWindowClass for combining multiple windows into a single one (by stacking them on top of each other)
SED1335TextLCDClass for connecting graphical SED1335-based LCD-Display (or using similiar controllers) displays are connected in 8bit-mode, and are using the internal 8x8 font
SPILCDBaseBase class for all SPI based LCD displays
SubWindowA window class using only a part of a parent window for output
TeeWindowA window class duplicating all writes into all given parent windows (like the Unix 'tee' command)
TerminalA windows class which uses an internal buffer to provide automatic scrolling
TextLCDAdapterAdapter class to wrap a TextLCD instance as Window
TextLCDBaseBase class for all (text based) LCD displays
WindowBase window class, which proves the interface for all common methods