Library for Sure Electronics HT1632 based LED matrix displays. Supports multiple displays connected together.

Dependents:   HT1632MsgScroller SMS_LEDMatrixPrinter



File content as of revision 7:b761bf1362ac:

 * HT1632_LedMatrix.cpp - Arduino library for Holtek HT1632 LED driver chip,
 *     As implemented on the Sure Electronics DE-DP10X display board
 *       (8 x 32 dot matrix LED module.)
 * Original code by:
 * Nov, 2008 by Bill Westfield ("WestfW")
 *   Copyrighted and distributed under the terms of the Berkely license
 *   (copy freely, but include this notice of original author.)
 * Adapted for 8x32 display by FlorinC.
 * Library Created and updated by Andrew Lindsay October/November 2009

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HT1632_LedMatrix.h"
#include "font_5x7_p.h"

// Use this define to select Direct port writes for speed or regular arduino digitalWrite functions

#define HIGH 1
#define LOW 0
 * Set these constants to the values of the pins connected to the SureElectronics Module
 * NOTE - these are different from the original demo code by westfw
 * Use Pin Mappings 8-11 for CS1 to 4, 12 for Data and 13 for Clock
 * Use mixture of #define and variables.
 * Pin numbers are for setup and port identifiers are for direct port writes.

// For mbed, use WR=p7, DATA=p5, cs1=p17, cs2=p18, cs3=p19, cs4=p20

//#define LOWPINS
//#define LOWPINS1
//#define HIGHPINS

//#ifdef LOWPINS
DigitalOut ht1632_wrclk(p7); // For Test : Led1 is Clock
DigitalOut ht1632_data(p5); //            Led2 is Data ....
DigitalOut ht1632_cs1(p17);
DigitalOut ht1632_cs2(p18);
DigitalOut ht1632_cs3(p19);
DigitalOut ht1632_cs4(p20);

// Port D defines for 2-7
// If using Nuelectronics ethernet shield, need to cut unused interrupt track to PD2
//uint8_t ht1632_cs[4] = {ht1632_cs1, ht1632_cs2, ht1632_cs3, ht1632_cs4};    // Chip Select (1, 2, 3, or 4)
DigitalOut  ht1632_cs[4] = {p17, p18, p19, p20};    // Chip Select (1, 2, 3, or 4)
//volatile uint8_t* ht1632_cs_Port[4] = {&PORTD, &PORTD, &PORTD, &PORTD};    // Chip Select (1, 2, 3, or 4)
//volatile uint8_t* ht1632_cs_DDR[4] = {&DDRD, &DDRD, &DDRD, &DDRD};    // Chip Select (1, 2, 3, or 4)
//#define HT1632_DATA       6      // Data pin
//#define HT1632_DATA_PORT  PORTD  // Data port
//#define HT1632_DATA_DDR   DDRD   // Data port
//#define HT1632_WRCLK      7      // Write clock pin
//#define HT1632_WRCLK_PORT PORTD  // Write clock port
//#define HT1632_WRCLK_DDR  DDRD   // Write clock port

// helper macros
//#define output_low(port,pin) port &= ~(1<<pin)
//#define output_high(port,pin) port |= (1<<pin)
#define chip_number(x,y) (x >> 5) + (y >> 3)*numYDevices
#define chip_nibble_address(x,y) ((x%32)<<1) + ((y%8)>>2);  
#define chip_byte_address(x,y) ((x%32)<<1);
#define max(a, b)  (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

// Display size and configuration, defaul is for a single 8x32 display
uint8_t numDevices = 1;    // Total number of devices
uint8_t numXDevices = 1;   // Number of horizontal devices
uint8_t numYDevices = 1;   // Number of vertical devices
uint8_t xMax = 32 * numXDevices-1;
uint8_t yMax = 8 * numYDevices-1;

// Variables used to keep track of cursor position
int cursorX = 0;
int cursorY = 0;

 * we keep a copy of the display controller contents so that we can
 * know which bits are on without having to (slowly) read the device.
// 4 boards at 32 bytes per board + 1 byte means we don't need to check overwrite in putChar
uint8_t shadowram[129];  // our copy of the display's RAM

// Custom character buffers - 8 characters available
// 6 cols * 8 rows - first byte of each char is the number of columns used
// Bits are aranged in columns with LSB at top
uint8_t cgram [8][7] = { 
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
    { 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } };

// Default constructor
HT1632_LedMatrix::HT1632_LedMatrix( void ) {

void HT1632_LedMatrix::init( uint8_t xDevices, uint8_t yDevices ) {
  // Set up the display size based on number of devices both horizontal and vertical
  numXDevices = xDevices;
  xMax = 32 * numXDevices-1;
  numYDevices = yDevices;
  yMax = 8 * numYDevices-1;

  numDevices = numXDevices * numYDevices;

//  HT1632_WRCLK_DDR |= _BV( HT1632_WRCLK );      // set pins to output
//  HT1632_DATA_DDR |= _BV( HT1632_DATA );

  for (uint8_t chipno=0; chipno<numDevices; chipno++){
 //     *ht1632_cs_DDR[chipno] |= _BV( ht1632_cs[chipno] );   // output pin
      chipfree(chipno);     // unselect it 
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_SYSDIS);  // Disable system
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_COMS10);  // 08*32, PMOS drivers
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_MSTMD);    // Master Mode 
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_SYSON);    // System on 
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_LEDON);    // LEDs on 
      sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_PWM | 0x0c);   // PWM Duty 
      for (uint8_t i=0; i<96; i++)
        senddata(chipno, i, 0);  // clear the display
  cursorX = 0;
  cursorY = 0;
 * chipselect / chipfree
 * Select or de-select a particular ht1632 chip.
 * De-selecting a chip ends the commands being sent to a chip.
 * CD pins are active-low; writing 0 to the pin selects the chip.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::chipselect(uint8_t chipno)
//  output_low(*ht1632_cs_Port[chipno], ht1632_cs[chipno]);
//  digitalWrite( ht1632_cs[chipno], LOW );
//ht1632_cs4 = LOW;
    ht1632_cs[chipno] = LOW;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::chipfree(uint8_t chipno)
//  output_high(*ht1632_cs_Port[chipno], ht1632_cs[chipno]);
//  digitalWrite( ht1632_cs[chipno], HIGH );
    ht1632_cs[chipno] = HIGH;
//ht1632_cs4 = HIGH;

 * writebits
 * Write bits to h1632 on pins HT1632_DATA, HT1632_WRCLK
 * Chip is assumed to already be chip-selected
 * Bits are shifted out from MSB to LSB, with the first bit sent
 * being (bits & firstbit), shifted till firsbit is zero.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::writebits (uint8_t bits, uint8_t firstbit)
  while (firstbit) {
//    output_low(HT1632_WRCLK_PORT, HT1632_WRCLK);
//    digitalWrite( HT1632_WRCLK, LOW );
    ht1632_wrclk = LOW;
    if (bits & firstbit) {
//      output_high(HT1632_DATA_PORT,HT1632_DATA);
//    digitalWrite( HT1632_DATA, HIGH);
        ht1632_data = HIGH;
    } else {
//      output_low(HT1632_DATA_PORT, HT1632_DATA);
//    digitalWrite( HT1632_DATA, LOW);
        ht1632_data = LOW;
//    output_high(HT1632_WRCLK_PORT, HT1632_WRCLK);
//    digitalWrite( HT1632_WRCLK, HIGH);
    ht1632_wrclk = HIGH;
    firstbit >>= 1;

 * writedatabits
 * Write databits to h1632 on pins HT1632_DATA, HT1632_WRCLK
 * Chip is assumed to already be chip-selected
 * Bits are shifted out from LSB to MSB
void HT1632_LedMatrix::writedatabits (uint8_t bits, uint8_t count)
  while (count) {
//    output_low(HT1632_WRCLK_PORT, HT1632_WRCLK);
    ht1632_wrclk = LOW;
    if (bits & 1) {
//      output_high(HT1632_DATA_PORT,HT1632_DATA);
        ht1632_data = HIGH;
    } else {
//      output_low(HT1632_DATA_PORT, HT1632_DATA);
        ht1632_data = LOW;
//    output_high(HT1632_WRCLK_PORT, HT1632_WRCLK);
    ht1632_wrclk = HIGH;
    bits >>= 1;

 * sendcmd
 * Send a command to the ht1632 chip.
 * A command consists of a 3-bit "CMD" ID, an 8bit command, and
 * one "don't care bit".
 *   Select 1 0 0 c7 c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 xx Free
void HT1632_LedMatrix::sendcmd (uint8_t chipno, uint8_t command)
  chipselect(chipno);  // Select chip
  writebits(HT1632_ID_CMD, 0x04);   //1<<2);  // send 3 bits of id: COMMMAND
  writebits(command, 0x80); //1<<7);  // send the actual command
  writebits(0, 1);  /* one extra dont-care bit in commands. */
  chipfree(chipno); //done

 * clear
 * clear the display, and the shadow memory, and the snapshot
 * memory.  This uses the "write multiple words" capability of
 * the chipset by writing all 96 words of memory without raising
 * the chipselect signal.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::clear()
  char i;

  for (uint8_t chipno=0; chipno<numDevices; chipno++){
    chipselect(chipno);  // Select chip
    writebits(HT1632_ID_WR, 0x04);  //1<<2);  // send ID: WRITE to RAM
    writebits(0, 0x40);     //1<<6); // Send address
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) // Clear entire display
      writedatabits(0, 8);  //1<<7); // send 8 bits of data
    chipfree(chipno); // done
    for (i=0; i < 64; i++)
      shadowram[i+64*chipno] = 0;
  cursorX = 0;
  cursorY = 0;

// Brighness is from 0 to 15
void HT1632_LedMatrix::setBrightness( unsigned char brightness ) {
  for (uint8_t chipno=0; chipno<numDevices; chipno++) {
    sendcmd(chipno, HT1632_CMD_PWM | (brightness & 0x0F ));

 * senddata
 * send a nibble (4 bits) of data to a particular memory location of the
 * ht1632.  The command has 3 bit ID, 7 bits of address, and 4 bits of data.
 *    Select 1 0 1 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 Free
 * Note that the address is sent MSB first, while the data is sent LSB first!
 * This means that somewhere a bit reversal will have to be done to get
 * zero-based addressing of words and dots within words.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::senddata (uint8_t chipno, uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
  chipselect(chipno);  // Select chip
  writebits(HT1632_ID_WR, 0x04);    //1<<2);  // send ID: WRITE to RAM
  writebits(address, 0x40);     //1<<6); // Send address
  writedatabits(data, 4);       //1<<3); // send 4 bits of data
  chipfree(chipno); // done

 * sendcol
 * send a byte of data to a particular memory location of the
 * ht1632.  The command has 3 bit ID, 7 bits of address, and 8 bits of data.
 *    Select 1 0 1 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 Free
 * Note that the address is sent MSB first, while the data is sent LSB first!
 * This means that somewhere a bit reversal will have to be done to get
 * zero-based addressing of words and dots within words.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::sendcol (uint8_t chipno, uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
  chipselect(chipno);  // Select chip
  writebits(HT1632_ID_WR, 0x04);    //1<<2);  // send ID: WRITE to RAM
  writebits(address, 0x40);     //1<<6); // Send address
  writedatabits(data, 8);       // send 8 bits of data
  chipfree(chipno); // done

// Write a string at the position specified
void HT1632_LedMatrix::putString(int x, int y, char *str) {
    cursorX = x;
    cursorY = y;
    while( *str ) {
        putChar( cursorX, y, *str++ );
        cursorX += 6;

 * Copy a character glyph from the smallFont data structure to
 * display memory, with its upper left at the given coordinate
 * This is unoptimized and simply uses plot() to draw each dot.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::write( uint8_t c) {
    putChar( cursorX, cursorY, (char)c );   

 * Copy a character glyph from the myfont data structure to
 * display memory, with its upper left at the given coordinate
 * This is unoptimized and simply uses plot() to draw each dot.
 * returns number of columns that didn't fit
uint8_t HT1632_LedMatrix::putChar(int x, int y, char c) {
  // fonts defined for ascii 32 and beyond (index 0 in font array is ascii 32);
  // CGRAM characters are in range 0 to 15 with 8-15 being repeat of 0-7
  // note we force y to be modulo 8 - we do not support writing character to partial y values.

  uint8_t charIndex;
  uint8_t colData;
  uint8_t numCols;
  uint8_t chipno;
  uint8_t addr;
  uint8_t colsLeft = 0;        // cols that didn't fit

  if( c > 15 ) {
    // Regular characters
    // replace undisplayable characters with blank;
    if (c < 32 || c > 126) {
            charIndex = 0;
    } else {
            charIndex = c - 32;

    // move character definition, pixel by pixel, onto the display;
    // fonts are defined as one byte per col;
    numCols=smallFont[charIndex][6];   // get the number of columns this character uses
    for (uint8_t col=0; col<numCols; col++) {
            colData = smallFont[charIndex][col];
        chipno = chip_number(x,y);
        addr = chip_byte_address(x,y); // compute which memory byte this is in
        if (x <= xMax && y <= yMax) {
            shadowram[(addr>>1)+32*chipno] = colData;
        } else {
  } else {
    // CGRAM Characters
    charIndex = c & 0x07;       // Only low 3 bits count
    numCols=cgram[charIndex][0];    // get the number of columns this character uses
    // fonts are defined as one byte per col;
        for (uint8_t col=1; col<=numCols; col++) {
            colData = cgram[charIndex][col];
        chipno = chip_number(x,y);
        addr = chip_byte_address(x,y); // compute which memory byte this is in
        if (x <= xMax && y <= yMax) {
            shadowram[(addr>>1)+32*chipno] = colData;
        } else {

  cursorX = x;
  cursorY = y;

  return colsLeft;

// Set position of cursor for writing
void HT1632_LedMatrix::gotoXY(int x, int y) {
    cursorX = x;
    cursorY = y;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::getXY(int* x, int* y)
    *x = cursorX;
    *y = cursorY;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::getXYMax(int* x, int* y)
    *x = xMax;
    *y = yMax;

// Shift cursor X position a number of positions either left or right.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::shiftCursorX(int xinc) {
    cursorX += xinc;

 * plot a point on the display, with the upper left hand corner
 * being (0,0), and the lower right hand corner being (xMax-1, yMax-1).
 * Note that Y increases going "downward" in contrast with most
 * mathematical coordiate systems, but in common with many displays
 * basic bounds checking used.
void HT1632_LedMatrix::plot (int x, int y, char val)
  if (x<0 || x>xMax || y<0 || y>yMax)

  uint8_t chipno = chip_number(x,y);
  char addr = chip_byte_address(x,y); // compute which memory word this is in
  char shadowAddress = addr >>1;

  char bitval = 1<<(y&7);  // compute which bit will need set

  if (val) {  // Modify the shadow memory
    shadowram[shadowAddress +32*chipno] |= bitval;
  else {
    shadowram[shadowAddress +32*chipno] &= ~bitval;
  // Now copy the new memory value to the display
  sendcol(chipno, addr, shadowram[shadowAddress +32*chipno]);

void HT1632_LedMatrix::setCustomChar( int charNum, unsigned char cgchar[] ) {
    for(int i=1; i<7; i++ ) {
        cgram[charNum][i] = (uint8_t)cgchar[i];
    cgram[charNum][6] = 0;
    cgram[charNum][0] = 6;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::setCustomChar( int charNum, unsigned char cgchar[], uint8_t numCols ) {
    numCols = max(numCols, 6 );
    for(int i=1; i<=numCols; i++ ) {
        cgram[charNum][i] = (uint8_t)cgchar[i];
    cgram[charNum][0] = numCols;
    cgram[charNum][numCols] = 0;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::scrollLeft(uint8_t numberCols)
    for (int i=0; i<128-numberCols-1; i++)
    for (int i=128-numberCols; i<128; i++)
    cursorX -= numberCols;
    if (cursorX < 0 ) cursorX = 0;

void HT1632_LedMatrix::putShadowRam()
    for (int chipno=0; chipno<numDevices; chipno++)

void HT1632_LedMatrix::putShadowRam(uint8_t chipno)
    for (int i=0; i<64; i+=2)

 * Name         : drawLine
 * Description  : Draws a line between two points on the display.
 * Argument(s)  : x1, y1 - Absolute pixel coordinates for line origin.
 *                x2, y2 - Absolute pixel coordinates for line end.
 *                c - either PIXEL_ON, PIXEL_OFF
 * Return value : none
void HT1632_LedMatrix::drawLine(unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1,
        unsigned char x2, unsigned char y2, unsigned char c) {
    int dx, dy, stepx, stepy, fraction;

    /* Calculate differential form */
    /* dy   y2 - y1 */
    /* -- = ------- */
    /* dx   x2 - x1 */

    /* Take differences */
    dy = y2 - y1;
    dx = x2 - x1;

    /* dy is negative */
    if ( dy < 0 ) {
        dy    = -dy;
        stepy = -1;
    } else {
        stepy = 1;

    /* dx is negative */
    if ( dx < 0 ) {
        dx    = -dx;
        stepx = -1;
    } else {
        stepx = 1;

    dx <<= 1;
    dy <<= 1;

    /* Draw initial position */
    plot( x1, y1, c );

    /* Draw next positions until end */
    if ( dx > dy ) {
        /* Take fraction */
        fraction = dy - ( dx >> 1);
        while ( x1 != x2 ) {
            if ( fraction >= 0 ) {
                y1 += stepy;
                fraction -= dx;
            x1 += stepx;
            fraction += dy;

            /* Draw calculated point */
            plot( x1, y1, c );
    } else {
        /* Take fraction */
        fraction = dx - ( dy >> 1);
        while ( y1 != y2 ) {
            if ( fraction >= 0 ) {
                x1 += stepx;
                fraction -= dy;
            y1 += stepy;
            fraction += dx;

            /* Draw calculated point */
            plot( x1, y1, c );

 * Name         : drawRectangle
 * Description  : Draw a rectangle given to top left and bottom right points
 * Argument(s)  : x1, y1 - Absolute pixel coordinates for top left corner
 *                x2, y2 - Absolute pixel coordinates for bottom right corner
 *                c - either PIXEL_ON, PIXEL_OFF 
 * Return value : none
void HT1632_LedMatrix::drawRectangle(unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1,
        unsigned char x2, unsigned char y2, unsigned char c){
    drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y1, c );
    drawLine( x1, y1, x1, y2, c );
    drawLine( x1, y2, x2, y2, c );
    drawLine( x2, y1, x2, y2, c );

 * Name         : drawFilledRectangle
 * Description  : Draw a filled rectangle given to top left and bottom right points
 *        just simply draws horizontal lines where the rectangle would be
 * Argument(s)  : x1, y1 - Absolute pixel coordinates for top left corner
 *                x2, y2 - Absolute pixel coordinates for bottom right corner
 *                c - either PIXEL_ON, PIXEL_OFF
 * Return value : none
void HT1632_LedMatrix::drawFilledRectangle(unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1,
        unsigned char x2, unsigned char y2, unsigned char c) {
    for(int i=y1; i <= y2; i++ ) {
        drawLine( x1, i, x2, i, c );

 * Name         : drawCircle
 * Description  : Draw a circle using Bresenham's algorithm. 
 *        Some small circles will look like squares!!
 * Argument(s)  : xc, yc - Centre of circle
 *        r - Radius
 *        c - either PIXEL_ON, PIXEL_OFF
 * Return value : None 
void HT1632_LedMatrix::drawCircle(unsigned char xc, unsigned char yc,
        unsigned char r, unsigned char c) {
    int x=0;
    int y=r;
    int p=3-(2*r);

        plot( xc+x,yc-y, c);

    for(x=0;x<=y;x++) {
        if (p<0) {
        } else {

        plot(xc+x,yc-y, c);
        plot(xc-x,yc-y, c);
        plot(xc+x,yc+y, c);
        plot(xc-x,yc+y, c);
        plot(xc+y,yc-x, c);
        plot(xc-y,yc-x, c);
        plot(xc+y,yc+x, c);
        plot(xc-y,yc+x, c);

// The end!