mbed Ninja!

24 Aug 2009

A couple of days ago, I posted about how things look like they are all going ahead (see http://mbed.co.uk/blog/entry/22/). So we're really chuffed!

So we thought it was about time for a video. Check out the mbed front page :)

  • Main Entry: chuffed
  • Pronunciation: \ˈchəft\
  • Function: adjective
  • Etymology: English dialect chuff pleased, puffed with fat
  • Date: 1957

British : quite pleased : delighted


I had to look that one up - "puffed with fat" ..........hehe


26 Aug 2009 . Edited: 26 Aug 2009

That video is great! One of the quickest "Getting Started" guides I've seen. Very, very well done.

I tried restarting. I went straight to the compiler, and I discovered a led flashing program was there! Brilliant! That is exactly what I think works well.

I compiled it, and got an error :-(

Could I have one which works first time, please?

I think school children would love that experience. They might get hooked !-)

I am *very* happy to have a *second* program with a compile-time error to practice on. But I'd like 'error' or something in its name, and some hint about how to fix it in a comment.

I believe I fully understand the error messages, but an odd logic in me (I can guess what you're thinking :-) asks "if that use of webble can't be reached, why should it complain?".

Let me try to put myself into the head of a beginner. That error feels a bit subtle for my second program ever (straight after the working version of the flashing led which was my first one). How about program one having two LEDs, and this program two (with error) trying to have more leds, and either mis-spell the use of the led, or don't declare it?

IMHO, Overall 8/10 - First class stuff (and I am not qualified to offer higher than 9+/10 :-)