Any restrictions on mBed pins for LCD's

06 Feb 2012

Hi, I prototyped an 8 character 2 line LCD with complete success. This used low pin numbers on the 1 to 19 pin side of the package. I have now laid out a pcb using the same LCD type, but due to track layout restrictions remapped the pins to the higher pin numbers (up to 30), is there any restriction/problem with this as I do not now get a functional display. In my code the only line I changed is now: TextLCD lcd(p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30); rs, e, d4-d7 updated for PCB

I have buzzed out the wiring from the mbed to the display which appears OK. I am also using the latest LCD library file.

Any thoughts?

I shall minimise my program to check everything out, but at the moment cannot see where the problem is. The display is a Powertips PC 0802ARS.

06 Feb 2012

SORRY, just started minimising code and found a rouge statement that I had not changed!!!! DigitalIn Switch(p30); Yes that's what did it, now on my way with my hardware/software development........