MODSERIAL buffer size

22 Jan 2012


I have a project where I'm transferring an image from a camera to the mbed using a serial port. The image is either 19200 or 38400 bytes depending on what colour depth I use.

My problem is that because the max baud rate is 1228800bps I'm waiting round for ages (OK maybe 0.5 secs!) for this picture to transfer while I would rather be doing something else. Can I use MODSERIAL or DMA or something to start off the transfer and just let all the bytes gather up in a buffer and then transfer them super quick later on?

Any ideas anyone? Also I know the memory map of the mbed limits arrays to around 22k elements (which will limit the size of the buffer) but I have read that you can tinker with this. Can I put the two together and have a MODSERIAL buffer size of 38400 bytes?
