nucleo f072rb, Jump to firmware not working from bootloader

20 Mar 2018

Hello, I am new to mbed world. I have bootloader and firmware use case and tried to follow how people have suggested it. However it is not working for me. Once bootloader jumps to application, nothing happens, device is stuck. I ran firmware independently, it works. I think issue lies on bootloader side.

These are my references:

I did this successfully for nucleo f401re. However it was easy there with mbed_application_start and setting VTOR offset.

Please help me.

This is my work environment. - OS : mbed os 5.7 - Board : Nucleo F072RB - Compiler : CROSS ARM GCC (GNU Tools ARM Embedded) - Files uploaded : bootloader and firmware, c file and linker scripts (renamed to upload). (c files contains only hellow world printf, not much.) - IDE : Eclipse, Oxygen Release (4.7.0)

/media/uploads/shleni/stm32f072xb_application_linker_script.cpp /media/uploads/shleni/main_bootloader.cpp /media/uploads/shleni/stm32f072xb_bootloader_linker_script.cpp /media/uploads/shleni/main_application.cpp