what's the advantage of mbded over FreeRTOS?

06 Jul 2017

I am not an expert in FreeRTOS and I just started with mbed.

My experience with mbed is limitted to beeing able to build CoAP message on a board without network stack, add Network Stack to the board, send CoAP message to the server and read response (you can see that in my public projects). Our team's goal is to replace ethernet card with cell modem. Add to it ability to run on battery for a very long time in low power modes.

IMO mbed fits the bill with its integrated networking (CoAP, LWM2M, DTLS) and ease of working at application level from what I have seen.

However, the company I work for has a lot of experience with FreeRTOS and they say "we can do the same in a day or 2", but we have spent 1+ year and don't even have the functionality I outlined for million reasons.

So, I am wondering how correct is argument of mbed is like FreeRTOS only we know FreeRTOS better, so FreeRTOS it is.

Can you help me at differentiating the 2 products?

thank you

23 Mar 2018

Hi sergei we are also on the same page .Have you got any clarification for this question >If have so .please revert