problem with NRF52-DK and GPIO logic

31 Mar 2017

Hi everyone. Currently I migrate from STM32 MCU to NRF52-DK and has problem with GPIO and PWM programming. I figure out that GPIO on this board works with "oposite logic". Setting GPIO (i.e DigitalOut connected to LED) to 1 (one) causes switch off the LED, and setting to 0 (zero) lights up diode. Pinning an external LED to any pin produces the same effect. It's normal and intentional or this is efect of some bug?? How to develop program in such environment? I have ready to run modules, but running in differen ("natural") logic. How to modify MBED drivers for NRF52 to switch to natural logic?

31 Mar 2017

There is problem only with standard LED on this board. GPIO works as usual. I must use separate connected diode to develop my PWM module. Typically I used the LEDs on the board.