Best thing about a web based compiler

29 Sep 2009

I have heard many people comment on how the mbed web compiler might not be a good idea.

Today I am sitting at work with nothing to do, so what do I do? I head over to the mbed website and open the compiler and start working on a project.

The fact that all of my files are saved on a server and requires no action from me, such as uploading, it is the perfect tool for the intermediate user.

Although if I did not have an internet connection getting my files would be a challenge, but these days internet is like electricity anyway. If theres power, there is internet.

What would be cool is a way to upload files directly onto your mbed from a different computer, or even the compiler. If my mbed is plugged into my home computer, would it just be an accessible drive since its exactly like a usb key? Hmm.....