Simultaneous frequency generation and serial reading

07 Nov 2010 . Edited: 08 Nov 2010

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to do a basic project where I read bytes from the serial interface and transmit the bytes using FSK ( Frequency Shift Keying) over the DigitalOut. The basic idea is that for every 1 encountered in the serial data, I send out a square wave of  frequency MARK and for every 0 I send out a sqaure wave for frequency SPACE, ( just like the Bell 202 system).

The problem I am facing is how do I run the 2 tasks( Read the serial data & produce square wave) simultaneously since I am using a wait statement in the second task.

The code to generate the square wave is :


void op_square_wave(int frequency, long duration_us)

	long i;
	long looptimes;
	long delayAmount_us;
	delayAmount_us = (long)(1000000/frequency/2);
	looptimes = (long)(frequency * duration_us)/1000000; 

	for ( i = 0; i<looptimes;i++)
		AudioOut = 1;
		AudioOut = 0;

And the rest of the code  is :



void read_serial(void)

  output[output_index] = pc.getc();

  int bit_index = 0;
  while(bit_index < 8 )
frequency = (output[0]>> bit_index) & 0x01? MARK:SPACE; 



code to shift output array by 1 is put here>>

The problem I face is that while the mbed is doing the wait in the "op_square_wave" I want it to read the serial port.

08 Nov 2010

Use the hardware PWM.