Help needed with mbed-os-example-lorawan , MDot and Region setting

11 Apr 2018

This is using MBed 5.8 lorawan stack I need to change the phy region to 2 (AU915). When I change "lora.phy": 0, to "lora.phy": 2, I get this error Error: Declaration does not declare anything in "mbed-os/features/lorawan/LoRaWANStack.h", Line: 446, Col: 6 Error: This declaration has no storage class or type specifier in "mbed-os/features/lorawan/LoRaWANStack.h", Line: 446, Col: 21

Using other region numbers 0-8 I get no errors.

In the readme it says to do below, but doesn't give any guidance on where to stick it in the file. And it sort of looks like the "lora.phy": 2, should do the same thing. I also need sub-band 2 but have no idea how to set it.

"phy": { "help": "LoRa PHY region. 0 = EU868 (default), 1 = AS923, 2 = AU915, 3 = CN470, 4 = CN779, 5 = EU433, 6 = IN865, 7 = KR920, 8 = US915, 9 = US915_HYBRID", "value": "2" },

mbed_app.json- { "config": { "lora-radio": { "help": "Which radio to use (options: SX1272,SX1276)", "value": "SX1272" }, "main_stack_size": { "value": 4096 },

"lorawan-enabled": { "value": false},

"lora-spi-mosi": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-spi-miso": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-spi-sclk": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-cs": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-reset": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio0": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio1": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio2": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio3": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio4": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-dio5": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-rf-switch-ctl1": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-rf-switch-ctl2": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-txctl": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-rxctl": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-ant-switch": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-pwr-amp-ctl": { "value": "NC" }, "lora-tcxo": { "value": "NC" } },

"target_overrides": { "*": { "platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true, "platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200, "platform.default-serial-baud-rate": 115200, "lora.over-the-air-activation": true, "lora.duty-cycle-on": true, "lora.phy": 2, "lora.device-eui": "{ }", "lora.application-eui": "{}", "lora.application-key": "{ }" },

"MTS_MDOT_F411RE": { "lorawan-enabled": true,

"lora-radio": "SX1272", "lora-spi-mosi": "LORA_MOSI", "lora-spi-miso": "LORA_MISO", "lora-spi-sclk": "LORA_SCK", "lora-cs": "LORA_NSS", "lora-reset": "LORA_RESET", "lora-dio0": "LORA_DIO0", "lora-dio1": "LORA_DIO1", "lora-dio2": "LORA_DIO2", "lora-dio3": "LORA_DIO3", "lora-dio4": "LORA_DIO4", "lora-dio5": "LORA_DIO5", "lora-rf-switch-ctl1": "NC", "lora-rf-switch-ctl2": "NC", "lora-txctl": "LORA_TXCTL", "lora-rxctl": "LORA_RXCTL", "lora-ant-switch": "NC", "lora-pwr-amp-ctl": "NC", "lora-tcxo": "NC" }

}, "macros": ["MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=\"mbedtls_lora_config.h\""] }

Any help really appreciated