changing flash size in Keil MDK-ARM

07 Jun 2017

Hi all,

I am using STM32F103C8T6 Minimum System Board, I am programming it using my STM32Nucleo-F401RE board's ST-LinkV2. I am following the tutorial

in this he says Create a program as if it was for a NUCLEO-F103RB board (select NUCLEO-F103RB as target platform for the on-line compiler).Keep in mind that the compiler is cheking for 128kB maximum flash size. However, the STM32F103C8T6 is equipped with only 64kB.

So how to set the Keil so that it checks for 64 kb flash?

pls help me i am in a great neeed

thanks in advance thanks

10 Jun 2017

pls somebody reply pls

18 Jun 2017

the same question

18 Jun 2017

the same question? stm32f407VET6

19 Jun 2017

I don't use Keil uVision so I was not able to test/verify it but I think the procedure shall be similar to the one explained in the tutorial for CooCox CoIDE. Try to edit the scatter file in uVision IDE ( or locate the scatter file (*.sct) in the exported project manually (see and use a text editor to carry out the modification. It should be similar to changing the start address. The syntax of scatter file is explained here.