QFAC mbed project not backwards compatible with QFAA?

22 May 2017

Working on my first real project in mbed using the Nordic nrf51-dk. The project utilises a TMP112 temperature sensor and attaches the reading to the service data to make it available over BLE. Great success getting things running on the nrf51-dk, and porting over to a custom board using the QFAC chip. However, due to supply issues, the other board have QFAA chips on. Frustratingly the compiled hex will not run on the other boards, any guidance for troubleshooting the issue and getting the code running on the QFAAs would be appreciated!

22 May 2017

I should add, when running the compiled code on the QFAA, the softdevice loads correctly, the device is visible over BLE. However, no readings are returned from the TMP112.

05 Jun 2017

Any thoughts on this before my post expires? Seen some notes about i2c being broken with QFAA + SoftDevice