Porting bootloader - flash FAL

22 May 2017

I'm following this tutorial: https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/advanced/flash/#flash-hal I would like to prepare bootloader for STM32L432KC. I'm stuck at Flash HAL section. It states: `First, make sure CMSIS device packs support your device. Run a script in mbed-os to generate flash blobs.` I've browsed a bit but could not find anything up to date. I'm not familiar with CMSIS. Do you know where could I check if it's supported for my device and how could I generate those?

Am I left if option 2 (own HAL driver)? If so, is there any reference where to start? Thanks

30 May 2017

Thanks for pointing this out! We will update the documentation to include the specifics of this process.

To unblock you right now: the script is in the mbed-os repo at tools/flash_algo/extract.py and you probably want to give it the

--rebuild_all --target STM32L432KC

arguments. They mean:


updates the cache of cmsis packs on your machine

--target STM32L432K2

builds the flash algorithm blob for your target.