Radio on NRF52-DK. No simple module to control.

17 May 2017

Hi all,

I'm trying to develop a program on NRF52-DK and need radio for communication. At first I tried using BLE but the quality of this module is insufficient for real applications. Implementation is old (2014?) and some features are not implemented at all. So I tried to use the ESB but after a few attempts I resigned. A simple tests that runs outside the MBED environment after migration to MBED OS v5.3 does not work. Reason unknown. So the only option is to start develop the radio software from the beginning (as usual, the developer must reinvent the weel over and over:). Maybe Nordic Semiconductor would consider publishing a simple (my underlining) library to receive and send packets. Only with the use of necessary hardware interrupts. Without timers, software interrupts, PPI, queue (as in ESB). Saving the received packet in a separate buffer can be done by anyone (even beginner developer:). Or maybe someone knows some simple module to control radio that can be used on NRF51/52 platform and MBED OS v5.x?

Simplest API to control radio:
- int sendPacket(buffer, bufferLen, channel)
- int startReceive(buffer, channel)
- int setSpecialState(idle/power off)
And we need only one callback function to be called when: 
- packet transmitted with success
- packet transmission failed
- packet received and is ready to process