SMS example program troubel, again!

29 Sep 2013

Hi. Sorry to ask a question on something I've already had answered but I still cannot get the example sms text program to work. I originally had trouble with the libraries being out of date but after updating them I get a whole list of errors. I'm fairly new to this so have no idea how to fix them. I am just trying to get a program which will send a text message to a given number but its proving very difficult. If anyone could help that would be great. I'm using the example program found here:

Many Thanks Rob

08 Oct 2013

OK, as I answered in the question and your other forum post, updating the libraries worked for me.

However, let's make this easy.

I've got my own SMS basics program, which I've just updated and it compiles fine, please try this:

Import programVodafoneSMSBasics

Shows how to send and receive SMS messages using a Vodafone USB dongle.

Change TEST_NUMBER to your own number and let me know if it works :)

Just to check though, which microprocessor are you using?
