
04 Jul 2012

I'm wondering about something with the void mbed_reset(); and/or the NVIC_SystemReset();........

They both seem to work great for restarting the mbed...but... I've noticed, if you upload a new .bin file... then invoke one of these two commands, it doesn't load the new .bin file... it restarts using the previous one...??? Is this to be expected? Is there any way to trigger it to load the new .bin file as well?

Any help would be great!

08 Jul 2012

I'm not an expert here, but I would presume the 'resets' as they are in code will reset just the mbed processor. When you download new code and press the reset button you are actually making the 'magic chip' program the mbed processor Flash and hence reprogram the chip.

It could be interesting if the mbed program could instigate itself being reprogrammed, so I'll watch the replies with interest.

08 Jul 2012

Good point.. I'd like to see if this is possible... Now that you mention that, I seem to remember something someone wrote about updating the firmware via the internet.. I'm going to have a look and see if there's anything mentioned in that...

Thanks for the reply!