General programming deficit

31 Aug 2011

I wanted to send data from mbed to matlab. I'm running RPC_serial on the mbed and I can communicate with it using TeraTerm. My Matlab m file has only 3 lines... import mbed.* mymbed= SerialRPC('COM3',9600); myled =DigitalOut(mymbed, LED1);

When I run the m file on matlab it errors with ??? No method 'mbed.SerialRPC' with matching signature found........ I'm looking in the matlab library for mbed and I cant see the constructor for SerialRPC so it looks as if matlab is right. Two possibilities exist, among others One, I dont know where to look for the constructor and so I cant add it to the matlab path. Two, I'm not experienced enough with matlab/programming to understand how the visibility of the library affects things.

Where would the constructor for the SerialRPC be found ?

26 Sep 2011

hello , Gregory I received my mbed just now (09/26) and want to do the same as you. Its your project working? Carlos

27 Sep 2011

Did you close Terra term down ? I am 99.99% sure that only 1 program can read/write to serial at any time.

Also is it the correct port ? Does t.t. work passing commands?

Hope this helps


28 Sep 2011

Yes, I closed TT. Port is correct.. TT works good. I am using Lab View, and it not works. Thank´s

28 Sep 2011

In the end I switched from using Matlab 2007B to Matlab 2010A. Its possible that 2007B would have worked after a reinstall then everything would be at default setting. By the way I'm now trying to use Labview also but am having problems. I cant understand where to put the Matlab mbed libray in order to have all the mbed hardware exposed. As I'm a student I can get the latest Labview for about £50 which should mean that all of the code published in the cookbook will work.

28 Sep 2011

I use basic serial read in LabView and works, but have problems too... So i wanna try LV and Matlab, in another day.