#pragma prepocessor

07 Sep 2011


I'm having trouble including .lib files into my coding. And I want to know how to use this in mBed compiler #pragma comment(lib, "libmat.lib")

07 Sep 2011

Now i'm having trouble importing the .lib files from my local. i'm getting the error as shown below


09 Sep 2011


All mbed libs have a *.h file you need to include. For the mbed lib it's just #include "mbed.h".

Libraries are imported into your project and NOT linked with some pragma. They are updated automatically.


09 Sep 2011

How about matlab's libraries. How do we include them then?

09 Sep 2011


If I'm correct matlab is still a pc/windows application so using intel x86 code. The mbed has a Arm Cortex based processor with a totally different instruction set,

The answer so is: No you cannot link matlab libraries unless you have the full source code and can/manage recompile them here (which i doubt).

You could communicate with a pc running matlab.

Btw I assume you're searching for a math library? What functions do you need?


10 Sep 2011


So you are saying that I cant call my matlab functions even if they are connected from my mBed to the PC. But I thought there's a cookbook on matlab here. Anyway I'll list down my matlab functions in the next post.

Thanks Wim

10 Sep 2011


You can only communicate from the mbed with a program running running on windows (most of the time through serial io). This program could be matlab or an app using the matlibs.


10 Sep 2011

Hi attached is the MATLAB function that I have done in MATLAB environment. I have commented out the functions that need to be called from MATLAB. Appreciate the help.

function [Ab,x,y,fx,vfx,vmfit] = opt(ts,N,Nc,beta,gen)

% function [M] = opt(ts,N,Nc,beta,gen)
% M     -> matrix of memory cells
% ts    -> suppression threshold
% N     -> clone number multiplier
% Nc    -> no. of clones to be generated
% beta  -> decay of the inverse exponential function
% gen   -> maximum number of generations
%L      -> Length of antibodies

%Author  :: Jerry
%Build date :: 3/4/2011c
%Time :: 
%Version 1.01

% Function to be Optimized 

f = '1 * x .* sin(4 * pi .* x) - 1 * y.* sin(4 * pi .* y + pi) + 1';
%f = '20 + x.^2 + y.^2 - 10.*(cos(2*pi.*x) + cos(2*pi.*y))';%Rastrigin's
%f = '0.5-((sin(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)).^2-0.5)./(1+0.001.*(x.^2+y.^2)).^2)';%Schaffer`s Function

% Parameters for Ploting the Affinity Lansdscape
xmin = -2; xmax = 2 ; ymin = -2; ymax = 2;
[x,y] = meshgrid(-1:0.01:1,-1:0.01:1); vxp = x; vyp = y;
vzp = eval(f);

% Initial Random Population Within the Intervals (xmin/xmax; ymin/ymax)
Ab1 = (xmax + rand(N,1).*(xmin-xmax))./2; //the rand(N,1) function is needed to be called 
 Ab2 = (ymax + rand(N,1).*(ymin-ymax))./2;

% [Ab1,Ab2] = cadeia(100,40,0,0,0)
Ab = [Ab1,Ab2];
x = Ab(:,1); y = Ab(:,2);
fit = eval(f);

 imprime(1,vxp,vyp,vzp,x,y,fit,1,1); %title('Initial Population');
disp('Press any key to continue...'); pause;

it = 0; Nold = N + 1; Nsup = N;
avfitold = mean(fit); //the mean(fit) function is needed to be called
avfit = avfitold-1;
 vavfit = []; 
 vfx = []; vmfit = []; valfx = 1; 
% Main Loop where the data acquisation is process
while it <= gen & FLAG == 0,
    a = x;%Ab(:,1); //the Ab(:,1) function is needed to be called
    b = y;%Ab(:,2);C=[];
   fit = eval(f); ////the eval(f) function is needed to be called
   clear memory
 if Nc~=N, %~= represents not equal to
        [a,ind] = sort(fit);%sorts the vector for fitness
            else, a = fit; ind = 1:1:N;
     valx = x(ind(end-N+1:end)); valy = y(ind(end-N+1:end)); //the ind() function is needed to be called
% a = fit; ind = 0.01:0.01:N;
fx = a(end-N+1:end);
   % Reproduction (Cloning), Affinity Maturation, and Selection Within Each Clone
   [Ab] = clone_mut_select(Ab,Nc,beta,norma(fit),xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,f);%can be used in pattern recognition
   % Immune Network Interactions After a Number of Iterations
   if rem(it,5) == 0, //the rem() function is needed to be called
      if abs(1-avfitold/avfit) < .001,
         [Ab] = suppress(Ab,ts);
         FLAGERROR = 1;
         Nsupold = Nsup; Nsup = size(Ab,1); 
         % Convergence Criterion
         if (Nsupold-Nsup) == 0, % & rem(it,20) == 0,
            FLAG = 1; FLAGERROR = 0;
   % Insert randomly generated individuals
  if FLAGERROR == 1,
       % pause;
       d = round(.4*N); ////the round()function is needed to be called
       Ab1 = (xmax + rand(d,1).*(xmin-xmax))./2;
       Ab2 = (ymax + rand(d,1).*(ymin-ymax))./2;
       Ab = [Ab;Ab1,Ab2];
       FLAGERROR = 0;
%    % Evaluating Fitness
   x = Ab(:,1); y = Ab(:,2);
    z = complex(x,y);
   fit = eval(f); avfitold = avfit;
     avfit = mean(fit);
   % Ploting Results
   N = size(Ab,1);
   valfx = min(fx);////the min() function is needed to be called
vfx = [vfx,valfx];
   it = it + 1;  vmfit = [vmfit,avfit]; % vN = [vN,N]
   %valx = min(x);valy = min(y);
   disp(sprintf('It: %d	x: %2.10f y: %2.10f	Av: %2.10f	f(x,y) = %2.10f',it,valx(end),valy(end),avfit(end),valfx));
x = valx(end); y = valy(end); fx = min(fx);
figure(2); //the figure() function is needed to be called
plot(vfx); //the plot() function is needed to be called
hold on; 
q = plot(vmfit,'-.'); set(q,'Color','red','LineWidth',2); //the set() function is needed to be called
title('Fitness/Mean Population vs Generations'); hold off;
%figure(3); plot(vN); title('N');

% ------------------- %
% ------------------- %

function [C] = clone_mut_select(Ab,Nc,beta,fitin,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,f);
% C   -> matrix of clones
% g   -> vector with Gaussian mutation/affinity
% Ab  -> matrix of antibodies
% N   -> cardinality of Ab
% Nc  -> number of clones for each candidate
[N,L] = size(Ab);
C = [];
for i=1:N,
   vones = ones(Nc,1); //the ones() function is needed to be called
   Cc = vones * Ab(i,:);
   % g = (randn(Nc,L)./beta) .* exp(-beta.*fitin(i));
   g = (randn(Nc,L)./beta) .* exp(-fitin(i));%hypermutation rate
   g(1,:) = zeros(1,L);	//the zeros() function is needed to be called
% Keep one previous individual for each clone unmutated
   c = Cc + g;
   % Keeps all elements of the population within the allowed bounds
   Ixmin = find(c(:,1) < xmin); Ixmax = find(c(:,1) > xmax); //the find() function is needed to be called
   Iymin = find(c(:,2) < ymin); Iymax = find(c(:,2) > ymax);
   if ~isempty(Ixmin),
      c(Ixmin,1) = Cc(length(Ixmin),1); //the length() function is needed to be called
   if ~isempty(Ixmax),
      c(Ixmax,1) = Cc(length(Ixmax),1); 
   if ~isempty(Iymin),
      c(Iymin,2) = Cc(length(Iymin),2);
   if ~isempty(Iymax),
      c(Iymax,2) = Cc(length(Iymax),2);
   x = c(:,1); y = c(:,2);
   fit = eval(f);
   [out,I] = min(fit);
   C = [C;c(I,:)];  % C contains only the best individuals of each clone

% Function suppress self-recognizing and non-stimulated Ab from Memory (M)
function [M] = suppress(M,ts); 
% M   -> memory matrix
% D1  -> idiotypic affinity matrix
D1 = dist(M,M');  //the dist() function is needed to be called
%using Euclidean distance
aux = triu(D1,1); //the triu() function is needed to be called
[Is,Js] = find(aux>0 & aux<ts);
if ~isempty(Is),
   Is = ver_eq(Is);
   M = extract(M,Is);
   % D1 = extract(D1,Is);
% D1 = dist(M,M');

% Search for repeated indexes
function [Is] = ver_eq(I);
l = length(I); Is = [];
if l > 1,
   for i=1:l-1,
      aux = I(i);
      auxI = I(i+1:end);
      el = find(auxI == aux);
      if isempty(el),
         Is = [Is,aux];
   Is = [Is,I(end)];
   Is = I;

% Function Extracts lines from M indexed by I
function [M] = extract(M,I);
Maux = zeros(size(M));
Maux(I,:) = M(I,:);
M = M - Maux;
[I] = find(M(:,1)~=0);
M = M(I,:);

% Function normalizes matrix over [0,1]
function [Dn] = norma(D);
% Dn  -> normalized vector over [0,1]
[np,ni] = size(D);
if ni == 1,
   Dn = (D - min(D))./(max(D)-min(D));
   vmaxD = max(D); vminD = min(D);
   for i=1:ni,
      Dn(:,i) = (D(:,i) - vminD(i))./(vmaxD(i)-vminD(i));
% End Function NORMA

% Print Affinity Landscape and Population of Individuals
function [] = imprime(PRINT,vx,vy,vz,x,y,fx,it,mit);
% x,fx				-> current values
% vxplot, vplot	-> original (base) function
if PRINT == 1,
   if rem(it,mit) == 0,
      mesh(vx,vy,vz); //the mesh() function is needed to be called
hold on; 
      axis([-1 1 -1 1 -2 2]);
      %axis([-2 2 -2 2 0 30]); %Rastrigin's Function     
      xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f(x,y)');
      plot3(x,y,fx,'k*'); drawnow; hold on; hidden on;

% % Control of pm
% function [pm] = pmcont(pm,pma,pmr,it,itpm);
% % pma	-> initial value
% % pmr	-> control rate
% % itpm	-> iterations for restoring
% if rem(it,itpm) == 0,
%    pm = pm * pmr;
%    if rem(it,10*itpm) == 0,
%       pm = pma;
%    end;
% end;

function [Ab1,Ab2] = cadeia(n1,s1,n2,s2,bip)
if nargin == 2,
   n2 = n1; s2 = s1; bip = 2;
elseif nargin == 4,
   bip = 1;
% Antibody (Ab1) chains
Ab1 = 2 .* rand(n1,s1) - 1; %n1 = rows, s1 = columns
% Converting bipolar (-1,+1) strings to binary ones (0,+1)
if bip == 1,
   Ab1 =  hardlims(Ab1) ;//the hardlims() function is needed to be called
   Ab1 = hardlim(Ab1); //the hardlim() function is needed to be called
% Antigen (Ag) chains
Ab2 = 2 .* rand(n2,s2) - 1;
if bip == 1,
   Ab2 = hardlims(Ab2)
   Ab2 = hardlim(Ab2);

10 Sep 2011


Would it be possible to sue KEIL uVision for mBed LPC1768 since it is also a Windows application.

10 Sep 2011


It does not matter where the compiler runs (Keil on a pc of mbed on the web).

You cannot link libraries ment for other cpu's like matlib (assuming matlab compiles these to native code).

It's like trying to put a CF flash card into an Usb slot. It just won't fit/work, although you can transfer the content between these storage media.

If you want to use above code (without communicating with matlab running on a pc), you have to translate this code into C++ for the mbed (and hope the data fits ito memory and performs)!
