Nokia LCD with Philips Controller (Labelled X3)

30 Nov 2009 . Edited: 30 Nov 2009


I recently got a Sparkfun Nokia display (marked "X3") and found that it didn't work with either of the published libraries. It was suggested that it may have a Philips PCF8833 controller.

I was given some info on the controller. I have since modified the example library for the Philips controller.

I had a few problems as I couldn't get it to write consecutive pixels correctly when using the default 12bit colour mode. After much investigation and peering through an eye glass at the LCD, I found that the only mode I could get it to work properly was 16 bit mode where the colours are specified as RGB 5:6:6 bits.

The modified code is ready to publish, but as I am new to using this site I am unsure as to where and how to publish the library. It will be as two files the .cpp & .h. and/or can I generate a library file?

Can I publish it to the bottom of the MobileLCD wiki page? Or do I place it on my notebook page?

I look forward to your advice.



30 Nov 2009

Hi Phil,

Phil Green wrote:
The modified code is ready to publish, but as I am new to using this site I am unsure as to where and how to publish the library. It will be as two files the .cpp & .h. and/or can I generate a library file? Can I publish it to the bottom of the MobileLCD wiki page? Or do I place it on my notebook page?

We'd recommend just writing up a notebook page about your investigations and results, and then publishing a program containing the .cpp/.h and a test main.cpp file which you can link from that page.

This light-weight approach should be better for experimenting. We noticed the cookbook entries and the things published as "libraries" within it were giving a false sense of "completeness" and also a barrier to people going in and experimenting/modifying, so we're going to play with the notebook concept for now, and as some investigations become more mature, we'll see what we need to add to support them become more stable libraries. Any ideas welcome.
