how to edit system_stm32f7xx.c file

05 Jan 2017


I am using NUCLEO F767ZI board. When I add system_stm32f7xx.c which is generated by stm32cubemx I got Error: multiply defined (by system_stm32f7xx.o and system_stm32f7xx.NUCLEO_F767ZI.o). So I guess it means there is a system_stm32f7xx.c file somewhere and I should edit that one. The problem is that I can not find the .c files in the mbed library in the program. How can I access and edit this file?

22 Jan 2017

what it means is that the object file system_stm32f7xx.NUCLEO_F767ZI.o contains the same definitions as in your system_stm32f7xx.c source code. You can think that the obj file as a simple library. It cannot be viewed in text but the compiler doesn't need to compile, can use it directly for the linking process.

to remove it, u can open the project configuration and look for the object file inclusion. However, in my case, when i use coocox, i just open **.coproj in notepad, look for the text "system_stm32f7xx.NUCLEO_F767ZI.o" and remove it.

30 Jan 2017

Hi Ozzie :)

One of your most powerful tools on mbed is the availability of the source code. Instead of including the normal mbed library, you can import and then include the library below. This gives you all the source code, which you can change any way you want, or, better, use as a reference to figure out how to use the standard library code. It's useful to know that this code is kept in sync with the standard library - take a look at the History tab on the page below.

Click on mbed-dev below for the documentation.


Import librarymbed-dev

mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.