Serial Rx in MBed stopped working

15 Dec 2011

I am having some weird issues with the SerialPC right now. I am running a front end windows C# program communicating via RPC to the MBED. Everything was working perfectly until I switched on an external power supply which has it's ground also connected to the MBED ground. I have tried debugging this for a few days and now I need some help...

Here's the situation:

1. Any program that writes over the serial to the PC will show up in the terminal window. If in the program it says to: pc.printf("Hello World!\n"); It will print over the USB serial as "Hello World" to the terminal window.

2. Any program that looks for a character from the PC and then respond to that character in some way will not respond. Any echo program will not echo back. However, when a character is pushed in the terminal window the main blue LED by the USB connector on the MBED will respond with a blink, showing the RX is somewhat working, but somehow the microcontroller is not seeing the information.

3. RPC serial programs will timeout on start of the program for lack of communication between the MBED.

This is the second MBED that this has happened on. I am almost done with a new product based on this system and was hoping to use the USB cable for both access to the file system and for communication as well as using an external power supply for a "stand alone mode". However, now I am not sure this is a robust solution.

Anyone else have this problem???

Thanks in advance, Jay

15 Dec 2011

As far as I remember, in data sheet of mbed is explicitly written that powering the device over USB AND power connector could destroy mbed.

16 Dec 2011

I think you are right Rene... It has an explicit "OR" in the statement: "Powered by USB or 4.5v - 9.0v appiled to VIN"...

There seems to be mixed thoughts on powering both on Vin and over USB... Most posts say it should work, but now with two partly dead MBEDs, I think it doesn't.