Mbed temperature sensor

14 Jun 2011


I need to get something cheap to measure the mbed temperature or just anything that don't cost too much..

I gonna power mbed from battery, ya know regualtors caps maybe inductor and perhaps a shunt and wanted something to read the temperature of mbed while I started to mess around with trying to power it from battery...

lcd text screen obviously I don't wanna be using the usb cable here anything but the usb cable

can I use any of this stuff maplins http://www.maplin.co.uk/ut50c-digital-multimeter-with-temperature-and-frequency-46392


I plan to get the http://www.omega.com/pptst/UTC-USB.html don't have cash need something cheap

15 Jun 2011

You could try the tmp102 from cool components which costs about 3 pounds. Sets up very easily. I'll post you the code I used, all 17 lines of it, if you wish.

16 Jun 2011

Gregory Martin wrote:

You could try the tmp102 from cool components which costs about 3 pounds. Sets up very easily. I'll post you the code I used, all 17 lines of it, if you wish.

would be cool if you could post code for it to print out onto LCD such as somthing like the HD44780.

16 Jun 2011

Hi Phillips Here it is. Took me half hour from unpacking the sensor to getting it working (minus the 90 mins to focus on the breadboard to get the wiring right ! )


16 Jun 2011

Great I am sure it's gonna help Others as well.