New $14.95 small Magician robot base from Sparkfun

02 Oct 2011

Sparkfun just came out with a $14.95 robot kit on Thursday - have one coming in the mail next week. Looks like it would make a nice low-cost robot base for mbed. Add a small breadboard for mbed, dual H-bridge driver, and custom sensors. I was thinking about those tiny breadboards that already have doubled sided tape on them that only run a couple dollars. Price for robot base kit is right!


Sparkfun's new Magician robot base

The photo shows an Arduino mounted on it, but it needs an mbed!

Magician roll out video demo from Sparkfun

16 Sep 2014

Students have one running using mbed now and a video:


Not bad for a $15 robot base

Update: Add feedback to the motors for another $10
