site issue: Searching results differ

31 Mar 2016

search term: mDot_DS18B20

I tried searching for the above term on one page and I was served
that displayed:
No results found

However I tried the same search term from another page and got this
with the correct result.

Why the different results?


01 Apr 2016

Thanks Mike, raised a ticket internally.

01 Apr 2016

The first one is only showing questions. I assume you started that search from a questions related page.

08 Apr 2016

@Stephen Yes, it appears this happens when one is already on the results of a search (say, in a question)

If so, it's not very clear to the user what is being searched ATM.

@Jan Thanks.

11 Apr 2016

Depending on how charitable you're feeling it's either not very clear or intentionally confusing since the search box contains the text "Search" not "Search questions"

One other search option that often works better is to use google with a prefix of in the search term.