nRF51822 DK FOTA platform compiler error

30 Sep 2015


I've been trying to compile application for the nRF51-DK FOTA platform, but keep getting the following error,

Error: Cannot open source input file "device.h": No such file or directory in "extras/mbed_4f6c30876dfa/platform.h", Line: 21, Col: 21

I've had this problem on other platforms and it usually means updating the library, however in this case I've updated all the libraries and still no luck. The exact same code compiles ok for normal nRF51-DK platform (non-FOTA).

Thanks in advance Andrew

01 Mar 2016


This is specifically caused by the mbed library being out of date, please make sure you have updated it. If that doesn't work try creating a new program to see if its an internal glitch with just your program. If that doesn't work then please publish your project and give us a link so we can try to replicate your issue.

Keep building awesome,


24 Mar 2017

I followed those steps as well without any luck. I uploaded a simple program for you to replicate the issue.

