Download NHK English news podcast automatically. XML Parser "spxml" is used. This application requires mpod mother board. See also

Dependencies:   BlinkLed HTTPClient EthernetInterface FatFileSystemCpp MSCFileSystem spxml mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mpod_nhk_english by Satoshi Togawa

Download NHK English news podcast automatically.
XML Parser "spxml" is used.
This application requires mpod mother board.
See also

--- a/spxml/spcanonxml.cpp	Sat Sep 01 04:09:48 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007 Stephen Liu
- * For license terms, see the file COPYING along with this library.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "spcanonxml.hpp"
-#include "spxmlnode.hpp"
-#include "spxmlutils.hpp"
-#include "spxmlcodec.hpp"
-SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: SP_CanonXmlBuffer( const SP_XmlNode * node )
-	mBuffer = new SP_XmlStringBuffer();
-	dump( node, mBuffer );
-SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: ~SP_CanonXmlBuffer()
-	if( NULL != mBuffer ) delete mBuffer;
-	mBuffer = NULL;
-const char * SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: getBuffer() const
-	return mBuffer->getBuffer();
-int SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: getSize() const
-	return mBuffer->getSize();
-void SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: canonEncode( const char * value,
-		SP_XmlStringBuffer * buffer )
-	SP_XmlStringBuffer temp;
-	SP_XmlStringCodec::encode( "", value, &temp );
-	for( const char * pos = temp.getBuffer(); '\0' != *pos; pos++ ) {
-		if( '\r' == *pos ) {
-		} else if( '\n' == *pos ) {
-			buffer->append( "&#10;" );
-		} else {
-			buffer->append( *pos );
-		}
-	}
-void SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: dump(
-		const SP_XmlNode * node, SP_XmlStringBuffer * buffer )
-	if( NULL == node ) return;
-	if( SP_XmlNode::eXMLDOC == node->getType() ) {
-		SP_XmlDocument * document = static_cast<SP_XmlDocument*>((SP_XmlNode*)node);
-		const SP_XmlNodeList * children = document->getChildren();
-		for( int j = 0; j < children->getLength(); j++ ) {
-			dump( children->get( j ), buffer );
-		}
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::eCDATA == node->getType() ) {
-		SP_XmlCDataNode * cdata = static_cast<SP_XmlCDataNode*>((SP_XmlNode*)node);
-		canonEncode( cdata->getText(), buffer );
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::ePI == node->getType() ) {
-		SP_XmlPINode * piNode = static_cast<SP_XmlPINode*>((SP_XmlNode*)node);
-		buffer->append( "<?" );
-		buffer->append( piNode->getTarget() );
-		if( '\0' != *( piNode->getTarget() ) ) buffer->append( ' ' );
-		buffer->append( piNode->getData() );
-		buffer->append( "?>" );
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::eCOMMENT == node->getType() ) {
-		// ignore
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::eELEMENT == node->getType() ) {
-		dumpElement( node, buffer );
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::eDOCDECL == node->getType() ) {
-		// ignore
-	} else if( SP_XmlNode::eDOCTYPE == node->getType() ) {
-		// ignore
-	} else {
-		// ignore
-	}
-void SP_CanonXmlBuffer :: dumpElement(
-		const SP_XmlNode * node, SP_XmlStringBuffer * buffer )
-	if( NULL == node ) return;
-	if( SP_XmlNode::eELEMENT == node->getType() ) {
-		SP_XmlElementNode * element = static_cast<SP_XmlElementNode*>((SP_XmlNode*)node);
-		buffer->append( "<" );
-		buffer->append( element->getName() );
-		int i = 0;
-		SP_XmlArrayList attrList;
-		for( i = 0; i < element->getAttrCount(); i++ ) {
-			attrList.append( (void*)element->getAttr( i, NULL ) );
-		}
-		attrList.sort( reinterpret_cast<int(*)(const void*, const void*)>(strcmp) );
-		const char * name = NULL, * value = NULL;
-		for( i = 0; i < attrList.getCount(); i++ ) {
-			name = (char*)attrList.getItem( i );
-			value = element->getAttrValue( name );
-			if( NULL != name && NULL != value ) {
-				buffer->append( ' ' );
-				buffer->append( name );
-				buffer->append( "=\"" );
-				canonEncode( value, buffer );
-				buffer->append( "\"" );
-			}
-		}
-		const SP_XmlNodeList * children = element->getChildren();
-		buffer->append( ">" );
-		for( int j = 0; j < children->getLength(); j++ ) {
-			dump( children->get( j ), buffer );
-		}
-		buffer->append( "</" );
-		buffer->append( element->getName() );
-		buffer->append( ">" );
-	} else {
-		dump( node, buffer );
-	}