NetworkServices with NUCLEO-L476RG and W5500 by SeeedStudio stack.

Dependents:   coap-example Borsch coap-example

Fork of NetworkServices by AMETEK Powervar


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
17:c976088bf39d 2017-07-05 sgnezdov Changed setup interface to take MAC address, because W5500 may use software defined MAC when obtaining IP. default tip
16:82e7a0bf58d8 2017-07-01 sgnezdov fixes to DHCP communication; ; * send IP address properly (was not sent); * additional error handling; * lots of debug statements, because it is a work in progress
15:14382459c8b7 2017-06-15 dgriffin65 Converted to a single library
14:ada7d903623d 2017-06-15 dgriffin65 Updated to mbed-os
13:31555d2d3eed 2017-06-15 dgriffin65 Updated to mbed-os;
12:b93f42432324 2017-05-04 amccartney Modified to support the K22F;
11:5499fa2d8898 2015-04-28 embeddist Remove the setting of tx/rx buffer in SWReset
10:713b6d2aaefb 2014-10-16 hjjeon Bug fixed.
9:dfffa4d6f022 2014-10-15 hjjeon Add W5500 register access macro function and defines
8:7609a4bd55fd 2014-10-06 Bongjun Perform Length check here to prevent buffer overrun fixed by Sean Newton (
7:da52bf0e0e5d 2014-09-29 kaizen Added Serial interface for debugging
6:677dfa3984d1 2014-09-29 kaizen Modified for using MQTT Protocol
5:8aefaef88f79 2014-09-26 kaizen Modified for using MQTT protocol ( IBMIoTClient )
4:af0ed4fbca02 2014-09-01 Bongjun Correction of a bug in socket::close() via Pull Request of Patrick Pollet
3:a5d99521e9cc 2014-08-20 Bongjun fix some codes of reading Sn_RX_RSR, Sn_TX_FSR in W5500.cpp
2:e02950866c42 2014-08-20 Bongjun rollback code of wait_readable() in W5500.cpp
1:8f4374f932b4 2014-08-20 Bongjun comment for usage to EthernetInterface.cpp
0:e11e8793c3ce 2014-08-20 Bongjun first release.