test of maxbotix analog read

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 19 18:04:48 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Set up as stete machine with case/switch formulation
+// Stated 
+#define IDLE 0
+#define PULSE 1
+#define READ 2
+#define PRINTDBUG
+#define WAITTIME 50 // ms -for time between data takes 
+#define CONVERTTIME 50 // ms - for tiee for Maxbotix to convert range measurement
+#define NEARLIMIT 0.025
+#define FARLIMIT 0.40
+#define LEDON 1
+#define LEDOFF 0
+#define LEDFULLBRITE 0.0
+#define LEDNOBRITE 1.0
+#define HALFBRITE 0.5
+#define PULSE_ON 1 
+#define PULSE_OFF 0
+#define RXWIDTH 100 // uSec
+#define RESETPULSE 100 // ms
+#define RESETTIME 20000 // ms
+#define MAXBOOTTIME 500 // mw
+#define PROGNAME "AnalogMAX v\r\n"  // puTTY does not automatically add carriage return
+AnalogIn input(PTC2);
+DigitalOut Relay(PTE29);
+DigitalOut RXRead(PTE23);
+DigitalOut PWRReset(PTE22);
+// Set up PWM on all three colors
+PwmOut greenLED(LED_GREEN); // green led
+PwmOut blueLED(LED_BLUE);
+PwmOut redLED(LED_RED); // red led
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Timer millis;
+Timer resetTimer;
+int ledState = false;
+void RevPulseOut_ms(DigitalOut outport, int pulseWidth) {
+    outport = PULSE_ON;
+    outport = PULSE_OFF;
+    wait_ms(pulseWidth);
+    outport = PULSE_ON;
+    return;
+// --------------
+void pulseOut(DigitalOut outport, int pulseWidth) {
+    outport = PULSE_OFF;
+    outport = PULSE_ON;
+    wait_us(pulseWidth);
+    outport = PULSE_OFF;
+    return;
+// ---------------
+void takeData(float spanScale) {
+    float samples;
+    float scaledPWM;
+        samples = input.read();
+        pc.printf("%f\r\n", samples);
+    if ((samples > NEARLIMIT) && (samples < FARLIMIT)){
+            scaledPWM = (samples - NEARLIMIT)*spanScale;
+            redLED = 1.0 - scaledPWM;
+            blueLED = scaledPWM;
+            Relay = LEDON;
+            pc.printf("RED -> %f BLUE -> %f\r\n", redLED.read(), blueLED.read());
+    }else{
+            redLED = LEDNOBRITE; // off
+            blueLED = LEDNOBRITE;
+            Relay = LEDOFF;
+    }
+    return;
+// end takeData()
+// ----------------------------
+int main() {
+    int currentState = IDLE;
+    int stateTime = WAITTIME;
+    float spanScale; // compute scale to expand to full range of PWM duty factors
+  // initialization  
+  // calulate scaling for red/blue LED
+    RXRead = PULSE_OFF;
+    PWRReset = PULSE_ON;
+    spanScale = 1.0/(FARLIMIT-NEARLIMIT);
+    pc.printf(PROGNAME);
+    greenLED = HALFBRITE; // 1/2 on
+    redLED = LEDNOBRITE; // pwm off
+    blueLED = LEDFULLBRITE; // pwm on
+    RevPulseOut_ms(PWRReset, RESETPULSE);
+    millis.start();
+    resetTimer.start();
+    millis.reset();
+    resetTimer.reset();
+     // Bring Maxbotix RX line to 0 volts
+// Loop forever
+    while(true){ 
+        switch (currentState) {
+            case IDLE: {
+                    if (millis.read_ms() > stateTime) { // WAITTIME
+                        currentState = PULSE;                      
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            case PULSE: {
+                    pulseOut(RXRead, RXWIDTH);
+                    millis.reset(); //reset timer to 0 for wait for convert time;
+                    stateTime = CONVERTTIME;
+                    currentState = READ;
+                    break;
+                }
+            case READ: {
+                     if (millis.read_ms() > stateTime) { // PULSETIME
+                        takeData(spanScale);
+                        currentState = IDLE;   
+                        stateTime = WAITTIME; 
+                        millis.reset();                     
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    }
+            }   
+/* Does not work yet */
+         if(resetTimer.read_ms() > RESETTIME){  // recalibrate the Maxbotix
+            RevPulseOut_ms(PWRReset, RESETPULSE);
+            wait_ms(MAXBOOTTIME);
+            resetTimer.reset();
+        } 
+ /* --------------- */
+    }  
+}   // end main
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