Class to manage a linked list. Utility that can be built on or used alone

Dependents:   Waldo_Embed_V2 elevator_with_queue RaheeNew DS1820 ... more

This pull request has been accepted and merged in by Sam Grove

Removed LogUtil dependency

With some searching on how to keep track of created class objects, I ran into this, which is a good solution, works nice, and has 1% of the memory footprint of the regular C++ stuff which does roughly the same. However I think it would be even nicer without the LogUtil dependency. Especially since the only thing it logs is when it runs out of memory, which you can send to terminal simply with error("..."), since at that point everything is going so wrong that you might as well move the entire device into error condition. So I changed that and made a pull request :).

Also what I didn't change, but it is imo a bit confusion that it starts at location 1, and not 0 like everything else in C(++).

Class to manage a linked list. Utility that can be built on or used alone Linked, List