Utility to manage ASCII communications. Register a header and event and then pass messages into the class and events are generated on a match

Dependents:   Waldo_Embed_V2


#include "mbed.h"
#include "CommHandler.h"
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
CommHandler msgs;
char *one(char* msg)
    // you can parse msg here
    return msg;
class Wrap
    char *two(char *msg)
        // you can parse msg here
        return msg;
char *three(char* msg)
    // you can parse msg here
    return msg;
int main()
    char *tmp = 0;
    msgs.attachMsg("One", &one);
    msgs.attachMsg("Two", &obj, &Wrap::two);
    msgs.attachMsg("Three", &three);
    tmp = msgs.messageLookup(0);
    printf("0:%s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.messageLookup(1);
    printf("1:%s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.messageLookup(2);
    printf("2:%s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.messageLookup(3);
    printf("3:%s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.messageLookup(4);
    printf("4:%s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Two-00-66-99-20133");
    printf("1: Found: %s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("One-99-60-1-339788354");
    printf("2: Found: %s\n", tmp);
    tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Three-xx-xx-XX-XXXXXXX");
    printf("3: Found: %s\n", tmp);
    error("End of Test\n");

Revisions of LinkedList.lib

Revision Date Message Actions
1:2b04936832db 2013-04-10 Test wrapping up library dependencies for seamless import File  Diff  Annotate