RobT's fork of HTTPClient library

Fork of HTTPClient_ToBeRemoved by Donatien Garnier

--- a/IHTTPData.h	Thu Apr 19 09:19:58 2012 +0000
+++ b/IHTTPData.h	Thu Apr 19 09:52:54 2012 +0000
@@ -24,33 +24,62 @@
 #ifndef IHTTPDATA_H
 #define IHTTPDATA_H
-class IHTTPDataOut //This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
+///This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
+class IHTTPDataOut
   friend class HTTPClient;
+  /** Read a piece of data to be transmitted
+   * @param buf Pointer to the buffer on which to copy the data
+   * @param len Length of the buffer
+   * @param pReadLen Pointer to the variable on which the actual copied data length will be stored
+   */
   virtual int read(char* buf, size_t len, size_t* pReadLen) = 0;
+  /** Get MIME type
+   * @param type Internet media type from Content-Type header
+   */
   virtual int getDataType(char* type, size_t maxTypeLen) = 0; //Internet media type for Content-Type header
-  virtual bool getIsChunked() = 0; //For Transfer-Encoding header
+  /** Determine whether the HTTP client should chunk the data
+   *  Used for Transfer-Encoding header
+   */
+  virtual bool getIsChunked() = 0;
-  virtual size_t getDataLen() = 0; //For Content-Length header
+  /** If the data is not chunked, get its size
+   *  Used for Content-Length header
+   */
+  virtual size_t getDataLen() = 0;
-class IHTTPDataIn //This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
+///This is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
+class IHTTPDataIn
   friend class HTTPClient;
+  /** Write a piece of data transmitted by the server
+   * @param buf Pointer to the buffer from which to copy the data
+   * @param len Length of the buffer
+   */
   virtual int write(const char* buf, size_t len) = 0;
-  virtual void setDataType(const char* type) = 0; //Internet media type from Content-Type header
+  /** Set MIME type
+   * @param type Internet media type from Content-Type header
+   */
+  virtual void setDataType(const char* type) = 0;
-  virtual void setIsChunked(bool chunked) = 0; //From Transfer-Encoding header
+  /** Determine whether the data is chunked
+   *  Recovered from Transfer-Encoding header
+   */
+  virtual void setIsChunked(bool chunked) = 0;
-  virtual void setDataLen(size_t len) = 0; //From Content-Length header, or if the transfer is chunked, next chunk length
+  /** If the data is not chunked, set its size
+   * From Content-Length header
+   */
+  virtual void setDataLen(size_t len) = 0;