A code to drive a 3sensor reading unit for monitoring the operation opf a closed circuit rebreather (CCR) with 3 electrogalvanic sensors. Also uses a DS1307 for realtime clock and an MPX5700 to read the depth (mounted inside the breathing loop to keep it 'dry'). circuit diagrams available on rebreather world.

Dependencies:   DS1307 TextOLED mbed

--- a/Rebmon_main.cpp	Thu Aug 02 14:55:08 2012 +0000
+++ b/Rebmon_main.cpp	Thu Aug 02 16:05:46 2012 +0000
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 int scrubtime=0; // these are expressed in minutes
 int divetime=0;
 // variables for the eg cells and pressure sensor eg1calamd eg2cal ar reading when the sensor is in 0.21bar O2 and
 //dcal is the reading whe the pressure sensor is at the surface
 float eg1cal=0.09,eg2cal=0.09,pcal=0.1136;
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@
         31,19,21,21,21,21,19,31,  // diving symbol        4 inverse D
         6,6,6,6,6,0,0,6,             // warning symbol    5
         31,17,23,17,29,17,31,0, // surface symbol         6 inverse S
-        0,0,9,9,0,17,14,0 // happy symbol                 7
+        0,0,17,17,0,17,14,0 // happy symbol                 7
     int i=0;
 // do stuff here to set cstom chars
@@ -112,20 +115,24 @@
     pcal=pres/20; // surface pressure....
     scrubtime=0; // reset the scrubber timer to zero.
+    // write cal data NB overwites previous
+    FILE *fp=fopen("/local/CAL.dat","w");
+    fprintf(fp,"%e\n%e\n%e\n%d",eg1cal,eg2cal,pcal,scrubtime);
+    fclose(fp); //NB file system locked on write so must make sure we close files in case want to reprogram etc...
-// subroutine to write the main display data
-//x.xx:xx D XX  xx
-//x.xx:xx B XX xxx NB the warning, staus and battery icons are driven by separate subroutines.
-void display() {
-//1st line
-    g_lcd.locate(0,0);
-    g_lcd.printf("%1.2f:%.2d X %.2d  %.2d",ppo1,(int)fo1,(int)depth,(int)mod);
-    //2nd line
-    g_lcd.locate(0,1);
-    g_lcd.printf("%1.2f:%.2d B %.2d  %.2d",ppo2,(int)fo2,(int)depth,(int)mod);
+void status() {
+    if (state==0) g_lcd.character(8,0,5); // warning icon until 1 min up
+    if (state==1) g_lcd.character(8,0,6); // surface icon
+    if (state==2) g_lcd.character(8,0,4); // diving icon
+void warning() {
+void leds() {
 //read battery state and insert the battery symbol
@@ -138,47 +145,73 @@
+// subroutine to write the main display data
+//x.xx:xx D XX  xx
+//x.xx:xx B XX xxx NB the warning, staus and battery icons are driven by separate subroutines.
+void display() {
+//1st line
+    g_lcd.locate(0,0);
+    g_lcd.printf("%1.2f:%.2d   %.2d  %.2d",ppo1,(int)fo1,(int)depth,(int)mod);
+//2nd line
+    g_lcd.locate(0,1);
+    g_lcd.printf("%1.2f:%.2d   %.2d  %.2d",ppo2,(int)fo2,divetime,scrubtime);
+    // bung in battery icon
+    battery();
+    status(); // this will set the diviong / suface mode icon
+    warning(); // this will set the warning icon assuming that max ppo2 is exceeded
+    leds(); // this sets the leds according to the various warning conditions
 // pick maximum of two values
 float maximum(float a,float b) {
     float maximum;
     if (a>b) maximum=a;
     else maximum=b;
-       }
 // pick minimum  of two values
 float minimum(float a,float b) {
     float minim;
     if (a<b) minim=a;
     else minim=b;
-       }
-// read sensors and generate calibrated outputs
+// read sensors and generate calibrated outputs NB battery is read elsewhere
 void readsensors() {
     float barometric=0,mod1,mod2;
     ppo1=EG1*0.21/eg1cal; // eg1cal is 0.21bar ppO2
     ppo2=EG2*0.21/eg2cal; // second oxygen cell ppO2
-    pressure=(PRESin*3.3-0.024)/(0.0038574); // pressure in kPa assuming standard cal for mpx5700 sensor
-    barometric=(pcal*3.3-0.024)/(0.0038574); // sealevel in kPa assuming standard cal for mpx5700 sensor
-    depth=(pressure-barometric)*0.1;   //100kPa=10m 1kPa=0.1m - this gives depth in m for freshwater.
+    pressure=(PRESin*3.3-0.024)/(0.0038574); // pressure in kPa assuming standard cal for mpx5700 sensor SUSPECT
+   // barometric=(pcal*3.3-0.024)/(0.0038574); // sealevel in kPa assuming standard cal for mpx5700 sensor
+    depth=(pressure-101.325)*0.1;   //100kPa=10m 1kPa=0.1m - this gives depth in m for freshwater.
     //with two sensors will calculate mod from the largest ppo2 reading
-    mod1=1.4/ppo1;
-    mod2=1.4/ppo2;
-    mod=minimum(mod1,mod2); // pick the 
+    fo1=100*ppo1/(pressure/100); // pressure in bar = pressure /100 and want a % so multiply by 100 as well
+    fo2=100*ppo2/(pressure/100);
+    mod1=(1.4/(fo1/100)-1)*10;
+    mod2=(1.4/(fo2/100)-1)*10;
+    mod=minimum(mod1,mod2); // pick the least value
+    //DEBUG
+    printf("ppo1=%1.3f\tppo2=%1.3f\tfo1=%2.2f\tfo2=%2.2f\tmod1=%2.1f\tmod2=%2.1f\tpressure=%.3f\t scrubtime=%d\n\r",ppo1,ppo2,fo1,fo2,mod1,mod2,pressure,scrubtime);
 int main() {
-    // get time to log a startup time
-    //my1307.gettime( &sec, &min, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year);
-    //int startuptime=year*365*24*60*60+month*30*24*60*60+day*24*60*60+hours*60*60+min*60+sec; //simple timestamp = # seconds since midnight jan 1st 2000 if all months were 30 days.
+// first some local variables
+    int startuptime=getseconds();
+    int startdive=0; // value of seconds when dive starts
-    int startuptime=getseconds();
-    int startdive=0;
-    int seconds=0;; // this will be the divetiem variable eventually.
+    int seconds=0,minutes=0; // minutes is elapsed minutes since start of prog
     int i=0,j=0; // general loop counting variables
@@ -210,25 +243,18 @@
     // ok there are three states in this system
     while (1) {
+        wait(0.2); //stop screen flicker
+        seconds=getseconds();
+        minutes=(int)((float)seconds-(float)startuptime)/60;
+        scrubtime=minutes; // temporary to test
+        display();
+        if(minutes<1) state=0;
+        if(minutes>=1) state=1; // surface mode - ok to go for a dive now
+        if(minutes>1 && depth>0.5) state=2; // enter dive mode
-        getseconds();
-        battery();
-        g_lcd.locate(0,0);
-        g_lcd.printf( "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hours,min,sec);
-        led1=1;
-        wait(0.5);
-        g_lcd.character(i,1,i);
-        g_lcd.character(12,1,j);
-        i=(i+1) % 8;
-        j=(j+1) % 4;
-        // setup local file to store data in
-        //     FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
-        //   fclose(fp);
-        led1=0;
-        wait(0.5);
     } // end while
 } //end main