
Dependencies:   mbed Eurobot_2012_Primary

--- a/motors/motors.cpp	Fri Apr 27 18:36:54 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
- * Motors.cpp
- *
- * This is a motor control library for the UK1122 L298N based motor controller.
- * Includes PID controller to control motors speeds
- *
- *        Author: Crispian Poon
- *         Email:
- *       Purpose: Eurobot 2012 - ICRS Imperial College London
- *          Date: 4th April 2012
- *       Version: v0.12
- **********************************************************/
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "motors.h"
-#include "QEI.h"    //quadrature encoder library
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "TSH.h"
-//  Constructor
-        Encoder1 (p30, p29, NC, 1856 ,QEI::X4_ENCODING),    //connects to motor1 quadracture encoders
-        Encoder2 (p27, p28, NC, 1856 ,QEI::X4_ENCODING),    //connects to motor2 quadracture encoders
-        Motor1A(p17), Motor1B(p18), Motor2A(p19), Motor2B(p13), //connects to direction pins
-        Motor1Enable(p25), Motor2Enable(p26),   //Connects to control board enable pins to control motors speeds. PWM pins. Remember enable must be set before the direction pins changed!!
-        PIDControllerMotor1(3.5, 0.5, 0, 0.010), PIDControllerMotor2(3.5, 0.5, 0, 0.010) {
-//Initialise PID controllers
-    PIDControllerMotor1.setMode(MANUAL_MODE);
-    PIDControllerMotor2.setMode(MANUAL_MODE);
-    PIDControllerMotor1.setBias(-16);
-    PIDControllerMotor2.setBias(-16);
-    PIDControllerMotor1.setOutputLimits(-127, 127);
-    PIDControllerMotor2.setOutputLimits(-127, 127);
-    PIDControllerMotor1.setInputLimits(-102, 102);
-    PIDControllerMotor2.setInputLimits(-102, 102);
-    _lastEncoder1 = 0;
-    _lastEncoder2 = 0;
-    //speed regulator task using PID. Run every 10ms.
-    _ticker.attach(this, &Motors::speedRegulatorTask, 0.01);
-//  Public functions
-//  @Description    speed regulator task using PID. Run every 10ms.
-void Motors::speedRegulatorTask() {
-    int latestMotor1Speed = 0;
-    int latestMotor2Speed = 0;
-    int computedSpeed1 = 0;
-    int computedSpeed2 = 0;
-    //acceleration control
-    if (accelerationRegister == 1) {
-        if (_accelerationSpeed1 != 0) {
-            if (abs(_motorSpeed1) < abs(_accelerationSpeed1)) {
-                _motorSpeed1 += getSignOfInt(_accelerationSpeed1);
-            } else if (abs(_motorSpeed1) > abs(_accelerationSpeed1)) {
-                _motorSpeed1 = _accelerationSpeed1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (_accelerationSpeed2 != 0) {
-            if (abs(_motorSpeed2) < abs(_accelerationSpeed2)) {
-                _motorSpeed2 += getSignOfInt(_accelerationSpeed2);
-            } else if (abs(_motorSpeed2) > abs(_accelerationSpeed2)) {
-                _motorSpeed2 = _accelerationSpeed2;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //MOTOR 1 PID
-    latestMotor1Speed = getEncoder1() - _lastEncoder1;  //motor1 encoder change
-    //PID setpoints for 50ms interval.
-    if (_motorSpeed1 == 0) {
-        PIDControllerMotor1.setSetPoint(0);
-    } else {
-        PIDControllerMotor1.setSetPoint((int)(102*((float)_motorSpeed1/127)));
-    }
-    //Process value
-    PIDControllerMotor1.setProcessValue(latestMotor1Speed);
-    //PID Compute
-    computedSpeed1 = (int)PIDControllerMotor1.compute();
-    //MOTOR 2 PID
-    latestMotor2Speed = getEncoder2() - _lastEncoder2; //motor2 encoder change
-    //PID setpoints for 50ms interval.
-    if (_motorSpeed2 == 0) {
-        PIDControllerMotor2.setSetPoint(0);
-    } else {
-        PIDControllerMotor2.setSetPoint((int)(102*((float)_motorSpeed2/127)));
-    }
-    //Process value
-    PIDControllerMotor2.setProcessValue(latestMotor2Speed);
-    //PID Compute
-    computedSpeed2 = (int)PIDControllerMotor2.compute();
-    //debug variables
-    _debug1 = latestMotor1Speed;
-    _debug2 = computedSpeed1;
-    //Set motors speed
-    _setSpeed(computedSpeed1, computedSpeed2);
-//  @Description    External set speed function for both motors
-//  @Parameter  [speed]   ranges from -127 (revse motor) to 127 (forward motor)
-void Motors::setSpeed(int speed) {
-    setSpeed(speed, speed);
-//  @Description    External set speed function. Relies on the speedRegulatorTask to change speed.
-//  @Parameters [speed1]  min -127 (reverse motor), max 127 (forward motor)
-//  @Parameters [speed2]  min -127 (reverse motor), max 127 (forward motor)
-void Motors::setSpeed(int speed1, int speed2) {
-    //set global motor values
-    _motorSpeed1 = speed1;
-    _motorSpeed2 = speed2;
-    _lastEncoder1 = getEncoder1();
-    _lastEncoder2 = getEncoder2();
-    //acceleration control
-    if (accelerationRegister == 1) {
-        //target accelerated speed
-        _accelerationSpeed1 = speed1;
-        _accelerationSpeed2 = speed2;
-        //current speed
-        _motorSpeed1 = 0;
-        _motorSpeed2 = 0;
-    }
-//  @Description    stops motors
-void  Motors::stop()
-    setSpeed(0);
-//  @Description    resets motor1 and motor encoders
-void Motors::resetEncoders() {
-    Encoder1.reset();
-    Encoder2.reset();
-//  @Description    gets motor1 encoder
-//  @returns motor1 encoder counts
-int Motors::getEncoder1() {
-    return  Encoder1.getPulses();
-//  @Description    gets motor2 encoder
-//  @returns motor2 encoder counts
-int Motors::getEncoder2() {
-    return  Encoder2.getPulses();
-//  @Description   converts encoder counts to distance in mm
-//  @Parameters [encoder]   (int) encoder counts
-//  @returns distance in mm
-int Motors::encoderToDistance(int encoder) {
-    return int((float(encoder) / float(encoderRevCount)) * wheelmm);
-//  @Description   converts distance in mm to encoder counts
-//  @Parameters [distance]   (int) distance in mm
-//  @returns encoder counts
-int Motors::distanceToEncoder(int distance) {
-    return int((float(distance) / float(wheelmm)) * encoderRevCount);
-//  @Description   number sign indicator. determines if number is positive or negative.
-//  @Parameters [direction]   (int) a number
-//  @returns -1 if negative, 1 if positive
-int Motors::getSignOfInt(int direction) {
-    if (direction > 0) {
-        return 1;
-    } else if (direction < 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return -1;
-//Start of quarantined functions
-void Motors::move(int distance, int speed) {
-    //resetEncoders(); TODO use kalman as feedback instead!
-    int tempEndEncoder = 0;
-    int startEncoderCount = 0;
-    tempEndEncoder = distanceToEncoder(abs(distance));
-    startEncoderCount = getEncoder1();
-    setSpeed(getSignOfInt(distance) * speed);
-    while (abs(getEncoder1() - startEncoderCount) < tempEndEncoder) {
-        setSpeed(getSignOfInt(distance) * speed);
-    }
-    //resetEncoders();
-    setSpeed(0);
-void Motors::turn(int angle, int speed) {
-    //resetEncoders(); TODO use kalman as feedback instead!
-    int tempDistance = int((float(angle) / 360) * float(robotCircumference));
-    int tempEndEncoder = 0;
-    int startEncoderCount = 0;
-    tempEndEncoder = distanceToEncoder(abs(tempDistance));
-    startEncoderCount = getEncoder1();
-    setSpeed(getSignOfInt(tempDistance) * speed, -getSignOfInt(tempDistance) * speed);
-    while (abs(getEncoder1() - startEncoderCount) < tempEndEncoder) {
-        setSpeed(getSignOfInt(tempDistance) * speed,-getSignOfInt(tempDistance) * speed);
-    }
-    //resetEncoders();
-    setSpeed(0);
-//Start of quarantined functions
-//  Private functions
-//  @Description    internal set speed function
-//  @Parameters speed1  min -127, max 127
-//  @Parameters speed2  min -127, max 127
-void Motors::_setSpeed(int speed1, int speed2) {
-//set global encoder values
-    _lastEncoder1 = getEncoder1();
-    _lastEncoder2 = getEncoder2();
-//Speed ranges from -127 to 127
-    if (speed1 > 0) {
-        //Motor1 forwards
-        Motor1Enable = (float)speed1/127;
-        Motor1A = 1;
-        Motor1B = 0;
-        //pwm the h bridge driver range 0 to 1 type float.
-    } else if (speed1 < 0) {
-        //Motor1 backwards
-        Motor1Enable = (float)abs(speed1)/127;
-        Motor1A = 0;
-        Motor1B = 1;
-    } else if (speed1 ==0) {
-        _stop(1,0);
-    }
-    if (speed2 > 0) {
-        //Motor2 forwards
-        Motor2Enable = (float)speed2/127;
-        Motor2A = 1;
-        Motor2B = 0;
-    } else if (speed2 < 0) {
-        //Motor2 backwards
-        Motor2Enable = (float)abs(speed2)/127;
-        Motor2A = 0;
-        Motor2B = 1;
-    } else if (speed2 == 0) {
-        _stop(0,1);
-    }
-//  @Description    stop command for both motors
-void Motors::_stop() {
-    _stop(1,1);
-//  @Description    stop command for individual motors
-//  @Parameter  [motor1]  stops motor1. =1 is stop. =0 do nothing
-//  @Parameter  [motor2]  stops motor2. =1 is stop. =0 do nothing
-void Motors::_stop(int motor1, int motor2) {
-    if (motor1 == 1) {
-        Motor1Enable = 1;
-        Motor1A = 0;
-        Motor1B = 0;
-    }
-    if (motor2 == 1) {
-        Motor2Enable = 1;
-        Motor2A = 0;
-        Motor2B = 0;
-    }
-//  Redundant functions
-void Motors::setMode(int mode) {
-void Motors::sendCommand(char command) {
-void Motors::sendCommand(char command1, char command2 ) {
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