test code megasquirt and digole lcd

Dependencies:   FatFileSystem mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 27 16:32:41 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+//Code Designed to display run-time variables from a Megasquirt Fuel Injection controller.
+//This is the base code to load variables and print to DigoleSerialDisp and write them to a file.  File format is .FRD for import into EFI Analytics tuner Studio
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "TextDigoleSerialDisp.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "SerialBuffered.h"
+//#include "LIS302.h"
+//SD Card pin assignment
+SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd");//DI, D0, SCK, CS
+AnalogIn SDenable(p20);//define SD card switch
+DigitalOut myled1(LED1);//define LED
+Serial loggerSerial(USBTX, USBRX);
+Timer t;
+LocalFileSystem local("local");
+//Serial usb(USBTX, USBRX); //define USB connection pins
+SerialBuffered megasquirt(120, p28, p27);  // that 128 is the size of the read buffer it will make for you
+Serial DigoleSerialDisp(p9, p10);//UART DigoleSerialDisp(PinName TX, PinName RX);
+DigitalOut usb_activity(LED1); //define USB activity
+DigitalOut megasquirt_activity(LED2); //define Megasquirt activity
+unsigned char      tmp_data[16];
+unsigned char       buf[120];
+int tmp;
+float Time;
+long float SecL; //get secoonds
+long float        PW;//get pulseWidth1
+long float        PW2; //get pulseWidth2
+int        RPM; //get Rpm
+float DutyCycle; //Injector Duty Cycle
+float DutyCycle2; //Injector Bank2 Duty  Cycle
+long float        SparkAdv; //get advance
+float        squirt; //get squirt
+float        Engine; //get squirt
+float       afrtgt1; //get AFR target - Table 1
+float        afrtgt2; //get AFR target - Table 2
+float        wbo2_en1; //get WideBand Valid1
+float        wbo2_en2; //get WideBand Valid2
+long float       barometer; //get Barometer
+long float        MAP; //get manifold absolute pressure MAP
+long float        MAT; //get manifold absolute temperature (MAT)
+long float      CLT; //get coolant temperature (CLT)
+long float        TP; //get Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
+long float        vBatt; //get BAttery Voltage
+long float        AFR; //get Realtime AFR for VE1
+long float        AFR2; //get Realtime AFR for VE2
+long float        knock; //get Knock Threshold Value
+long float       Gego; //get egoCorrrection1 amount %
+long float        Gego2; //get egoCorrrection2 amount %
+long float       Gair; //get air correction (G_air)
+long float        Gwarmup; //get Warmup Enrichment
+long float        TPSacc; //get accel enrichment (ms)
+long float        TPScut; //get TPS based fuel cut %
+long float       Gbaro; //get baroCorrection %
+long float       Gammae; //get gammaEnrich %
+long float        veCurr1; //get Current VE value Table 1
+long float        veCurr2; //get Current VE value Table 2
+long float        IAC; //get IAC Step %
+long float        ColdAdv; //get Cold Ignition Advance
+long float       tpsDOT;    //get Rate of Change TPS
+long float        mapDOT;  //get Rate of Change MAP
+long float        Dwell; //get Ignition Dwell
+long float        maf; //get MAF - Mass Air Flow
+long float       fuelload; //get MAP/TPS Blend %
+long float        Ethanol; //get fuel load percent alchohol
+char                portstatus; //get Spare Port Status
+char        knockRetard; //get Knock timing retard (deg)
+long float        EAEFuelCorr; //get EAE Fuel correction
+long float        egoV; //get egoV
+long float        egoV2; //get egoV2
+char        status1; //get Status1
+char        status2; //get Status2
+char        status3; //get Status3
+char        status4; //get Status4
+long float        looptime; //get looptime
+char        status5; //get Status5
+long float        tpsADC; //get tpsADC
+long float        fuelload2; //get fuelload2
+long float        ignload; //get ignload
+long float        ignload2; //get ignload2
+char        syncstatus; //get Sync-Status (0 - sync-error, 1 - syncstatus)
+float        deltaT; //get deltaT
+long float        wallfuel; //get wallfuel
+int runtime;
+unsigned char data_out;
+int n;
+int row;
+int column;
+int i;
+char MSII_288Header[] = {0x46,0x52,0x44,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x4b,0x61,0xf1,0x63,0x4d,0x53,0x49,0x49,0x20,0x52,0x65,0x76,0x20,0x32,0x2e,0x38,0x38,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x51,0x00,0x70};//file header
+char MSIIExtraHeader[] = {0x46,0x52,0x44,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x4b,0x6a,0xf3,0xa8,0x4d,0x53,0x32,0x45,0x78,0x74,0x72,0x61,0x20,0x52,0x65,0x6c,0x20,0x32,0x2e,0x31,0x2e,0x31,0x62,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x51,0x00,0x91};
+char parse_header[] = {0x01,0x00};//data header
+/*DigoleSerialDisp 2x20 parallel code pin assignment*/
+//TextDigoleSerialDisp DigoleSerialDisp(p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p30, 20, 2); // (rs, rw, e, d0, d1, d2, d3, n_column, n_rows)
+//define file write
+//AnalogIn file_writeenable(p20);//define SD card switch
+//enter main loop
+int main() {
+  DigoleSerialDisp.baud(9600);//set Digole Serial Baud Rate
+//    unsigned char tmp;
+//    unsigned char data_in;
+/////Startup Screen////////////
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("CL\r");//clear screen
+//DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("  DashView V2.1  ");
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("CL\r");//clear screen
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("SD3\r\n");//set rotation 0=0deg,1=90deg,2=180deg,3=270deg
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//offset Line 1 in housing
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("SF3\rTT Have a great drive\r\n");
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//next line
+////////////End Startup Screen//////////
+    megasquirt.baud(115200); //define MEgasquirt serial speed
+    loggerSerial.baud(115200); //define USB connection speed
+//file header setup
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/datalog.csv", "a");
+    //print header for MS.csv file
+    fprintf(fp, "MSII Rev 2.88000, \nTime,SecL,RPM,MAP,TP,vBatt,AFR,MAT,CLT,Engine,Gego,Gair,Gwarm,Gbaro,Gammae,TPSacc,PW,DutyCycle,PW2,DutyCycle2,SparkAdv,ColdAdv,Dwell,tpsDOT,mapDOT,IAC,deltaT,Ethanol%,\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+    t.start();
+    while (1) {
+//        char c = loggerSerial.getc();
+        //temporary call function using keyboard - in future will trigger automatically.
+//        if ((c == 'a'))
+//       {
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.printf(" "); //print space for data output format
+        //poll serial device for data stream (a,0,6) to (request, return, confirm)
+        megasquirt.putc(97);//send 97 for run parameters, 83 for board revision, 81 code for revision number
+        wait(0.005);
+        megasquirt.putc(0);
+        wait(0.005);
+        megasquirt.putc(6);
+        int actuallyRead = megasquirt.readBytes( buf, 112); // where 112 is the number of bytes you are expecting
+        Time = t.read();
+//void decodeMS() {
+//get seconds
+        tmp = buf[0];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        SecL = tmp | buf[1];
+        //MSseconds = MSseconds/256;
+//get pulseWidth1
+        tmp = buf[2];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tmp = tmp | buf[3];
+        PW = tmp*0.000666;
+//get pulseWidth2
+        tmp = buf[4];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tmp = tmp | buf[5];
+        PW2 = tmp*0.000666;
+//get Rpm
+        tmp = buf[6];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        RPM = tmp | buf[7];
+//Calculate DutyCycle
+        DutyCycle = (PW * (RPM / 60)) / 10;
+//Calculate DutyCycle2
+        DutyCycle2 = (PW2 * (RPM / 60)) / 10;
+//get advance
+        tmp = buf[8];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tmp = tmp | buf[9];
+        SparkAdv = tmp/10;
+//get squirt
+        squirt = buf[10];
+//get engine
+        Engine = buf[11];
+//get AFR target - Table 1
+        afrtgt1 = buf[12]*10;
+//get AFR target - Table 2
+        afrtgt2 = buf[13]*10;
+//get WideBand Valid1
+        wbo2_en1 = buf[14];
+//get WideBand Valid2
+        wbo2_en2 = buf[15];
+//get Barometer
+        tmp = buf[16];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tmp = tmp | buf[17];
+        barometer = tmp/10;
+//get manifold absolute pressure MAP
+        tmp = buf[18];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        MAP = tmp | buf[19];
+        MAP = MAP/10;
+//get manifold absolute temperature (MAT)
+        tmp = buf[20];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        MAT = tmp | buf[21];
+       MAT = MAT/10; ///for Farenheit
+        MAT = 0.555*(MAT - 32); //for Celcius
+//get coolant temperature (CLT)
+        tmp = buf[22];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        CLT = tmp | buf[23];
+        CLT = CLT/10;
+        CLT = 0.555*(CLT - 32); //for Celcius
+//get Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
+        tmp = buf[24];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        TP = tmp | buf[25];
+        TP = TP / 10;
+//get BAttery Voltage
+        tmp = buf[26];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        vBatt = tmp | buf[27];
+        vBatt = vBatt /10,
+//get Realtime AFR for VE1
+                tmp = buf[28];
+        tmp = tmp  << 8;
+        AFR = tmp | buf[29];
+        AFR = AFR /10;
+//get Realtime AFR for VE2
+        tmp = buf[30];
+        tmp  = tmp << 8;
+        AFR2 = tmp  | buf[31];
+        AFR2 = AFR2 / 10;
+//get Knock Threshold Value
+        tmp = buf[32];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        knock = tmp | buf[33];
+        knock = knock /10;
+//get egoCorrrection1 amount %
+        tmp = buf[34];
+        tmp  = tmp  << 8;
+        Gego = tmp | buf[35];
+//get egoCorrrection2 amount %
+        tmp = buf[36];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        Gego2 = tmp | buf[37];
+//get air correction (G_air)
+        tmp = buf[38];
+        tmp  = tmp << 8;
+        Gair = tmp | buf[39];
+//get Warmup Enrichment
+        tmp = buf[40];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        Gwarmup = tmp | buf[41];
+//get accel enrichment (ms)
+        tmp = buf[42];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        TPSacc = tmp | buf[43];
+        TPSacc = TPSacc/10;
+//get TPS based fuel cut %
+        tmp = buf[44];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        TPScut = tmp | buf[45];
+//get baroCorrection %
+        tmp = buf[46];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        Gbaro = tmp | buf[47];
+//get gammaEnrich %
+        tmp = buf[48];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        Gammae = tmp | buf[49];
+//get Current VE value Table 1
+        tmp = buf[50];
+        tmp  = tmp << 8;
+        veCurr1 = tmp | buf[51];
+        veCurr1 = veCurr1/10;
+//get Current VE value Table 2
+        tmp = buf[52];
+        tmp  = tmp  << 8;
+        veCurr2 = tmp  | buf[53];
+        veCurr2 = veCurr2/10;
+//get IAC Step %
+        tmp = buf[54];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        IAC = tmp | buf[55];
+//get Cold Ignition Advance
+        tmp = buf[56];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        ColdAdv = tmp | buf[57];
+        ColdAdv = ColdAdv/10;
+//get Rate of Change TPS
+        tmp = buf[58];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tpsDOT = tmp | buf[59];
+        tpsDOT = tpsDOT/10;
+//get Rate of Change MAP
+        tmp = buf[60];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        mapDOT = tmp | buf[67];
+//get Ignition Dwell
+        tmp = buf[62];
+        tmp = tmp  << 8;
+        Dwell = tmp | buf[63];
+        Dwell = Dwell*0.6666;
+//get MAF - Mass Air Flow
+        tmp = buf[64];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        maf = tmp | buf[65];
+//get MAP/TPS Blend %
+        tmp = buf[66];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        fuelload = tmp | buf[67];
+        fuelload = fuelload/10;
+//get fuel load percent alchohol
+        tmp = buf[68];
+        tmp = tmp  << 8;
+        Ethanol = tmp  | buf[69];
+//get Spare Port Status
+        portstatus = buf[70];
+//get Knock timing retard (deg)
+        knockRetard = buf[71];
+        knockRetard = knockRetard/10;
+//get EAE Fuel correction
+        tmp = buf[72];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        EAEFuelCorr  = tmp  | buf[73];
+//get egoV
+        tmp = buf[74];
+        tmp = tmp  << 8;
+        egoV = tmp  | buf[75];
+        egoV = egoV/100;
+//get egoV2
+        tmp = buf[76];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        egoV2 = tmp | buf[77];
+        egoV2 = egoV2/100;
+//get Status1
+        status1 = buf[78];
+//get Status2
+        status2 = buf[79];
+//get Status3
+        status3 = buf[80];
+//get Status4
+        status4 = buf[81];
+//get looptime
+        tmp = buf[82];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        looptime = tmp | buf[83];
+        looptime = looptime*0.6667;
+//get Status5
+        status5 = buf[84];
+//get tpsADC
+        tmp = buf[85];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        tpsADC = tmp | buf[86];
+//get fuelload2
+        tmp  = buf[87];
+        tmp  = tmp  << 8;
+        fuelload2 = tmp | buf[88];
+//get ignload
+        tmp = buf[89];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        ignload = tmp | buf[90];
+        ignload = ignload/100;
+//get ignload2
+        tmp = buf[91];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        ignload2 = tmp  | buf[92];
+        ignload2 = ignload2/100;
+//get Sync-Status (0 - sync-error, 1 - syncstatus)
+        syncstatus = buf[104];
+//get deltaT
+        tmp = buf[106];
+        tmp = tmp  << 8;
+        deltaT = tmp | buf[107];
+//get wallfuel
+        tmp = buf[110];
+        tmp = tmp << 8;
+        wallfuel = tmp  | buf[111];
+///Display Parameters to DigoleSerialDisp///////////  
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("SD3\r\n");//set rotation 0=0deg,1=90deg,2=180deg,3=270deg
+DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//offset Line 1 in housing
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.locate(0,1);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TT Volt=%4.1f \r\nTRT TT AFR =%4.1f\r\n TRT TT MAT= %3.0f C\r\nTRT TT CLT= %3.0f C\r\nTRT",vBatt,AFR,MAT,CLT);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//next line
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.locate(0,0);
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TT AFR =%4.1f\r\n", AFR);
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//next line
+//get manifold absolute temperature (MAT)
+ /*
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.locate(10,1);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TT MAT= %3.0f C\r\n", MAT);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//next line
+//get Clt
+       // CLT = 0.5555*(CLT - 32); //for Celcius  
+        //DigoleSerialDisp.locate(10,0);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TT CLT= %3.0f C\r\n", CLT);
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("TRT");//next line
+ */       
+        DigoleSerialDisp.printf("CL\r");//clear screen
+////////////////////////write to SD Card////////////////////////////////
+        if (SDenable > 0.5) //switch enable
+        {
+            myled1 = 1;
+            FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/datalog.csv", "a");
+            fprintf(fp, "%8.3f, %4f, %i, %4.1f, %3f, %4.1f, %4.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %4.1f, %f, %4.1f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %i, \n", Time, SecL, RPM, MAP, TP, vBatt, AFR, MAT, CLT, Engine, Gego, Gair, Gwarmup, Gbaro, Gammae, TPSacc, PW, DutyCycle,  PW2, DutyCycle2, SparkAdv, ColdAdv, Dwell, tpsDOT, mapDOT, IAC, deltaT, Ethanol);
+            fclose(fp);
+        } else {
+            myled1 = 0;
+        }
+    }
+//exit main loop