Example program of decoding the DF Robotics xbee joystick serial output

Dependencies:   mbed

Weapons and Systems Engineering mbed DFRobotJoystick Interface


This page provides an example of reading an ASCII comma separated variable string from the DR Robot Wireless Gamepad using the mbed micro-controller. The DF Robbot Wireless Gamepad is an Arduino programmable game controller with an on-board xbee wireless transceiver module. The gamepads used in the Weapons and Systems Engineering Department have been reprogrammed with the arduino sketch listed below.


The output of the joystick follows the GPS NMEA 0183 protocol as an ASCII string preceded by an "$JOYSTK", and terminated with an asterisk and a two character checksum (hex representation).

Below is a screen shot of the data streaming in TeraTerminal when the gamepad is connected directly to the PC (through a virtual COM port).




File content as of revision 0:ce988e55f00d:

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalOut myled(LED1);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    //tx, rx via USB connection
Serial xbee(p13, p14);    //tx, rx via Xbee socket
int main() {
    char joystr[100];   //used to store the whole joystick string
    char header[20];    //stores header - not very useful here
    char *tok;          //pointer used for string token function
    int buttonsAll;     //16bit representation of all buttons
    int button[16];     //individual button states (normally high)
    int js_lr_L;        //Left Joystick Left/Right movement
    int js_ud_L;        //Left Joystick Up/Down movement
    int js_lr_R;        //Right Joystick Left/Right movement
    int js_ud_R;        //Right Joystick Up/Down movement
    int chksum;         //checksum for error correction
    pc.baud(921600);    //crank up the PC baudrate (USB) to avoid latency between data acquisition
    pc.printf("\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", __FILE__);
    while(1) {        
        //read the serial string from the xbee (starts with '$', ends with \r\n
        xbee.scanf("$%s\r\n", &joystr);
        while(xbee.readable())      //clear out the remaining characters in the buffer
            char c = xbee.getc();
//        pc.printf("%s ", joystr);     //used for debugging
        //First pass strtok() the string address to parse, then NULLs to iterate through string
        tok=strtok(joystr, ",");        //Extract the header
        strcpy(header, tok);            //copy the header

        tok=strtok(NULL, ",");          //Extract buttons string
        buttonsAll=strtol(tok, NULL, 16);  //turn the 0xXXXX string into a decimal variable
        tok=strtok(NULL, ",");          //Extract Left joystick string L/R string
        js_lr_L=atoi(tok);              //turn ASCII to integer for left joystick Left/Right
        tok=strtok(NULL, ",");          //Extract Left joystick string U/D string
        js_ud_L=atoi(tok);              //turn ASCII to integer for left joystick Up/Down
        tok=strtok(NULL, ",");          //Extract Right joystick string L/R string
        js_lr_R=atoi(tok);              //turn ASCII to integer for right joystick Left/Right
        tok=strtok(NULL, "*");          //Extract Right joystick string U/D string when asterisk is reached
        js_ud_R=atoi(tok);              //turn ASCII to integer for right joystick Up/Down
        tok=strtok(NULL, "\0");         //end of string
        chksum = strtol(tok, NULL, 16); //turn hex string checksumn into integer
        //print the variables
        pc.printf("%s %7d %5d %5d %5d %5d 0x%02X ", header, buttonsAll, js_lr_L, js_ud_L, js_lr_R, js_ud_R, chksum);                
        // iterate through buttonsAll (each bit) to assign value MSB first
        for(int i=15;i>=0;i--){
            if(buttonsAll & (1 << i))
                button[i] = 1;
                button[i] = 0;
            pc.printf("%1d ", button[i]);
        myled = !myled; //toggle LED for activity verification