UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/serial.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+// USART routines
+// Much of this legacy code to support UAVPset, the original GUI for UAVP.
+// It is to be replaced by packet based comms ASAP.
+void TxString(const uint8*);
+void TxChar(uint8);
+void TxValU(uint8);
+void TxValS(int8);
+void TxBin8(uint8);
+void TxNextLine(uint8);
+void TxNibble( uint8);
+void TxValH( uint8);
+void TxValH16( uint16);
+uint8 RxChar(void);
+uint8 PollRxChar(void);
+uint8 RxNumU(void);
+int8 RxNumS(void);
+void TxVal32(int32, int8, uint8);
+void TxChar( uint8);
+void TxESCu8( uint8);
+void Sendi16( int16);
+void TxESCi8( int8);
+void TxESCi16( int16);
+void TxESCi24( int24);
+void TxESCi32( int32);
+void TxString(const uint8 *pch) {
+    while ( *pch != '\0' )
+        TxChar(*pch++);
+} // TxString
+void TxChar(uint8 ch) {
+    TxCheckSum ^= ch;
+    while ( !TelemetrySerial.writeable() ) {};
+    TelemetrySerial.putc(ch);
+    if ( EchoToLogFile )
+        TxLogChar(ch);
+} // TxChar
+void TxValU(uint8 v) {
+    // UAVPSet requires 3 digits exactly ( 000 to 999 )
+    TxChar((v / 100) + '0');
+    v %= 100;
+    TxChar((v / 10) + '0');
+    v %= 10;
+    TxChar(v + '0');
+} // TxValU
+void TxValS(int8 v) {
+    // UAVPSet requires sign and 3 digits exactly (-999 to 999)
+    if ( v < 0 ) {
+        TxChar('-');    // send sign
+        v = -v;
+    } else
+        TxChar('+');    // send sign
+    TxValU(v);
+} // TxValS
+void TxNextLine(void) {
+    TxChar(CR);
+    TxChar(LF);
+} // TxNextLine
+void TxBin8(uint8 v) {
+    static uint8 i;
+    for  (i = 0; i <8; i++) {
+        if ( v & 0x80 )
+            TxChar('1');
+        else TxChar('0');
+        v <<= 1;
+    }
+} // TxBin8
+void TxNibble(uint8 v) {
+    if ( v > (uint8)9)
+        TxChar('A' + v - 10);
+    else
+        TxChar('0' + v);
+} // TxNibble
+void TxValH(uint8 v) {
+    TxNibble(v >> 4);
+    TxNibble(v & 0x0f);
+} // TxValH
+void TxValH16(uint16 v) {
+    TxValH(v >> 8);
+    TxValH(v);
+} // TxValH16
+uint8 PollRxChar(void) {
+    uint8    ch;
+    if (  TelemetrySerial.readable() ) {    // a character is waiting in the buffer
+        ch = TelemetrySerial.getc();        // get the character
+        TxChar(ch);                         // echo it for UAVPSet
+        return(ch);                         // and return it
+    }
+    return( NUL );    // nothing in buffer
+} // PollRxChar
+uint8 RxChar(void) {
+    uint8    ch;
+    while ( !TelemetrySerial.readable() ) {};
+    ch = TelemetrySerial.getc();    // get the character
+    return(ch);
+} // RxChar
+uint8 RxNumU(void) {
+    // UAVPSet sends 2 digits
+    uint8 ch;
+    uint8 n;
+    n = 0;
+    do
+        ch = PollRxChar();
+    while ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9') );
+    n = (ch - '0') * 10;
+    do
+        ch = PollRxChar();
+    while ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9') );
+    n += ch - '0';
+    return(n);
+} // RxNumU
+int8 RxNumS(void) {
+    // UAVPSet sends sign and 2 digits
+    uint8 ch;
+    int8 n;
+    boolean Neg;
+    n = 0;
+    Neg = false;
+    do
+        ch = PollRxChar();
+    while ( ((ch < '0') || (ch > '9')) &&
+            (ch != '-') );
+    if ( ch == '-' ) {
+        Neg = true;
+        do
+            ch = PollRxChar();
+        while ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9') );
+    }
+    n = (ch - '0') * 10;
+    do
+        ch = PollRxChar();
+    while ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9') );
+    n += ch - '0';
+    if ( Neg )
+        n = -n;
+    return(n);
+} // RxNumS
+void TxVal32(int32 V, int8 dp, uint8 Separator) {
+    uint8 S[16];
+    int8 c,  zeros, i;
+    int32 NewV, Rem;
+    if (V<0) {
+        TxChar('-');
+        V=-V;
+    }
+//    else
+//        TxChar(' ');
+    c=0;
+    do {
+        NewV=V/10;
+        Rem=V-(NewV*10);
+        S[c++]=Rem + '0';
+        V=NewV;
+    } while (V>0);
+    if ((c < ( dp + 1 ) ) && (dp > 0 )) {
+        TxChar('0');
+        TxChar('.');
+    }
+    zeros = (int8)dp-c-1;
+    if ( zeros >= 0 )
+        for (i = zeros; i>=0; i--)
+            TxChar('0');
+    do {
+        c--;
+        TxChar(S[c]);
+        if ((c==dp)&&(c>0))
+            TxChar('.');
+    } while ( c > 0 );
+    if ( Separator != NUL )
+        TxChar(Separator);
+} // TxVal32
+void TxESCu8(uint8 ch) {
+    if ((ch==SOH)||(ch==EOT)||(ch==ESC))
+        TxChar(ESC);
+    TxChar(ch);
+} // TxESCu8
+void TxESCi8(int8 b) {
+    if (((uint8)b==SOH)||((uint8)b==EOT)||((uint8)b==ESC))
+        TxChar(ESC);
+    TxChar(b);
+} // TxESCu8
+void Sendi16(int16 v) {
+    i16u Temp;
+    Temp.i16 = v;
+    TxChar(Temp.b0);
+    TxChar(Temp.b1);
+} // Sendi16
+void TxESCi16(int16 v) {
+    i16u Temp;
+    Temp.i16 = v;
+    TxESCu8(Temp.b0);
+    TxESCu8(Temp.b1);
+} // Sendi16
+void TxESCi24(int24 v) {
+    i24u Temp;
+    Temp.i24 = v;
+    TxESCu8(Temp.b0);
+    TxESCu8(Temp.b1);
+    TxESCu8(Temp.b2);
+} // Sendi16
+void TxESCi32(int32 v) {
+    i32u Temp;
+    Temp.i32 = v;
+    TxESCi16(Temp.w0);
+    TxESCi16(Temp.w1);
+} // TxESCi32