/TARGET_K64F/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KPSDK_MCUS/TARGET_KPSDK_CODE/hal/adc/fsl_adc_hal.h substitute line 894 extern } by }

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File content as of revision 82:6473597d706e:

 * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
 *   of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
 *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
 *   other materials provided with the distribution.
 * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its
 *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 *   software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef __FSL_FLEXCAN_HAL_H__
#define __FSL_FLEXCAN_HAL_H__

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "fsl_flexcan_features.h"
#include "fsl_device_registers.h"

 * @addtogroup flexcan_hal
 * @{

 * Definitions

/*! @brief FlexCAN constants*/
enum _flexcan_constants
    kFlexCanMessageSize = 8,               /*!< FlexCAN message buffer data size in bytes*/

/*! @brief The Status enum is used to report current status of the FlexCAN interface.*/
enum _flexcan_err_status
    kFlexCan_RxWrn   = 0x0080, /*!< Reached warning level for RX errors*/
    kFlexCan_TxWrn   = 0x0100, /*!< Reached warning level for TX errors*/
    kFlexCan_StfErr  = 0x0200, /*!< Stuffing Error*/
    kFlexCan_FrmErr  = 0x0400, /*!< Form Error*/
    kFlexCan_CrcErr  = 0x0800, /*!< Cyclic Redundancy Check Error*/
    kFlexCan_AckErr  = 0x1000, /*!< Received no ACK on transmission*/
    kFlexCan_Bit0Err = 0x2000, /*!< Unable to send dominant bit*/
    kFlexCan_Bit1Err = 0x4000, /*!< Unable to send recessive bit*/

/*! @brief FlexCAN status return codes*/
typedef enum _flexcan_status
    kStatus_FLEXCAN_Success = 0,
} flexcan_status_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN operation modes*/
typedef enum _flexcan_operation_modes {
    kFlexCanNormalMode,        /*!< Normal mode or user mode*/
    kFlexCanListenOnlyMode,    /*!< Listen-only mode*/
    kFlexCanLoopBackMode,      /*!< Loop-back mode*/
    kFlexCanFreezeMode,        /*!< Freeze mode*/
    kFlexCanDisableMode,       /*!< Module disable mode*/
} flexcan_operation_modes_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN message buffer CODE for Rx buffers*/
typedef enum _flexcan_mb_code_rx {
    kFlexCanRX_Inactive  = 0x0, /*!< MB is not active.*/
    kFlexCanRX_Full      = 0x2, /*!< MB is full.*/
    kFlexCanRX_Empty     = 0x4, /*!< MB is active and empty.*/
    kFlexCanRX_Overrun   = 0x6, /*!< MB is overwritten into a full buffer.*/
    kFlexCanRX_Busy      = 0x8, /*!< FlexCAN is updating the contents of the MB.*/
                                /*!  The CPU must not access the MB.*/
    kFlexCanRX_Ranswer   = 0xA, /*!< A frame was configured to recognize a Remote Request Frame*/
                                /*!  and transmit a Response Frame in return.*/
    kFlexCanRX_NotUsed   = 0xF, /*!< Not used*/
} flexcan_mb_code_rx_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN message buffer CODE FOR Tx buffers*/
typedef enum _flexcan_mb_code_tx {
    kFlexCanTX_Inactive  = 0x08, /*!< MB is not active.*/
    kFlexCanTX_Abort     = 0x09, /*!< MB is aborted.*/
    kFlexCanTX_Data      = 0x0C, /*!< MB is a TX Data Frame(MB RTR must be 0).*/
    kFlexCanTX_Remote    = 0x1C, /*!< MB is a TX Remote Request Frame (MB RTR must be 1).*/
    kFlexCanTX_Tanswer   = 0x0E, /*!< MB is a TX Response Request Frame from.*/
                                 /*!  an incoming Remote Request Frame.*/
    kFlexCanTX_NotUsed   = 0xF,  /*!< Not used*/
} flexcan_mb_code_tx_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN message buffer transmission types*/
typedef enum _flexcan_mb_transmission_type {
    kFlexCanMBStatusType_TX,          /*!< Transmit MB*/
    kFlexCanMBStatusType_TXRemote,    /*!< Transmit remote request MB*/
    kFlexCanMBStatusType_RX,          /*!< Receive MB*/
    kFlexCanMBStatusType_RXRemote,    /*!< Receive remote request MB*/
    kFlexCanMBStatusType_RXTXRemote,  /*!< FlexCAN remote frame receives remote request and*/
                                      /*!  transmits MB.*/
} flexcan_mb_transmission_type_t;

typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_id_element_format {
    kFlexCanRxFifoIdElementFormat_A, /*!< One full ID (standard and extended) per ID Filter Table*/
                                     /*!  element.*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIdElementFormat_B, /*!< Two full standard IDs or two partial 14-bit (standard and*/
                                     /*!  extended) IDs per ID Filter Table element.*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIdElementFormat_C, /*!< Four partial 8-bit Standard IDs per ID Filter Table*/
                                     /*!  element.*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIdElementFormat_D, /*!< All frames rejected.*/
} flexcan_rx_fifo_id_element_format_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN Rx FIFO filters number*/
typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_id_filter_number {
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_8   = 0x0,         /*!<   8 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_16  = 0x1,         /*!<  16 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_24  = 0x2,         /*!<  24 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_32  = 0x3,         /*!<  32 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_40  = 0x4,         /*!<  40 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_48  = 0x5,         /*!<  48 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_56  = 0x6,         /*!<  56 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_64  = 0x7,         /*!<  64 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_72  = 0x8,         /*!<  72 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_80  = 0x9,         /*!<  80 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_88  = 0xA,         /*!<  88 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_96  = 0xB,         /*!<  96 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_104 = 0xC,         /*!< 104 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_112 = 0xD,         /*!< 112 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_120 = 0xE,         /*!< 120 Rx FIFO Filters*/
    kFlexCanRxFifoIDFilters_128 = 0xF          /*!< 128 Rx FIFO Filters*/
} flexcan_rx_fifo_id_filter_num_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN RX FIFO ID filter table structure*/
typedef struct FLEXCANIdTable {
    bool is_remote_mb;      /*!< Remote frame*/
    bool is_extended_mb;    /*!< Extended frame*/
    uint32_t *id_filter;    /*!< Rx FIFO ID filter elements*/
} flexcan_id_table_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN RX mask type.*/
typedef enum _flexcan_rx_mask_type {
    kFlexCanRxMask_Global,      /*!< Rx global mask*/
    kFlexCanRxMask_Individual,  /*!< Rx individual mask*/
} flexcan_rx_mask_type_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN MB ID type*/
typedef enum _flexcan_mb_id_type {
    kFlexCanMbId_Std,         /*!< Standard ID*/
    kFlexCanMbId_Ext,         /*!< Extended ID*/
} flexcan_mb_id_type_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN clock source*/
typedef enum _flexcan_clk_source {
    kFlexCanClkSource_Osc,    /*!< Oscillator clock*/
    kFlexCanClkSource_Ipbus,  /*!< Peripheral clock*/
} flexcan_clk_source_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN error interrupt types*/
typedef enum _flexcan_int_type {
    kFlexCanInt_Buf,           /*!< OR'd message buffers interrupt*/
    kFlexCanInt_Err,           /*!< Error interrupt*/
    kFlexCanInt_Boff,          /*!< Bus off interrupt*/
    kFlexCanInt_Wakeup,        /*!< Wakeup interrupt*/
    kFlexCanInt_Txwarning,     /*!< TX warning interrupt*/
    kFlexCanInt_Rxwarning,     /*!< RX warning interrupt*/
} flexcan_int_type_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN bus error counters*/
typedef struct FLEXCANBerrCounter {
    uint16_t txerr;           /*!< Transmit error counter*/
    uint16_t rxerr;           /*!< Receive error counter*/
} flexcan_berr_counter_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN MB code and status for transmitting*/
typedef struct FLEXCANMbCodeStatusTx {
    flexcan_mb_code_tx_t code;                   /*!< MB code for Tx buffers*/
    flexcan_mb_id_type_t msg_id_type;            /*!< Type of message ID (standard or extended)*/
    uint32_t data_length;                        /*!< Length of Data in Bytes*/
    uint32_t substitute_remote;                  /*!< Substitute remote request (used only in*/
                                                 /*!  extended format)*/
    uint32_t remote_transmission;                /*!< Remote transmission request*/
    bool local_priority_enable;                  /*!< 1 if enable it; 0 if disable it*/
    uint32_t local_priority_val;                 /*!< Local priority value [0..2]*/
} flexcan_mb_code_status_tx_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN MB code and status for receiving*/
typedef struct FLEXCANMbCodeStatusRx {
    flexcan_mb_code_rx_t code;                   /*!< MB code for Rx buffers*/
    flexcan_mb_id_type_t msg_id_type;            /*!< Type of message ID (standard or extended)*/
    uint32_t data_length;                        /*!< Length of Data in Bytes*/
    uint32_t substitute_remote;                  /*!< Substitute remote request (used only in*/
                                                 /*!  extended format)*/
    uint32_t remote_transmission;                /*!< Remote transmission request*/
    bool local_priority_enable;                  /*!< 1 if enable it; 0 if disable it*/
    uint32_t local_priority_val;                 /*!< Local priority value [0..2]*/
} flexcan_mb_code_status_rx_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN Rx FIFO configuration*/
typedef struct FLEXCANRxFifoConfig {
    flexcan_mb_id_type_t msg_id_type;                     /*!< Type of message ID*/
                                                          /*! (standard or extended)*/
    uint32_t data_length;                                 /*!< Length of Data in Bytes*/
    uint32_t substitute_remote;                           /*!< Substitute remote request (used*/
                                                          /*!  only in extended format)*/
    uint32_t remote_transmission;                         /*!< Remote transmission request*/
    flexcan_rx_fifo_id_element_format_t id_filter_number; /*!< The number of Rx FIFO ID filters*/
} flexcan_rx_fifo_config_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN message buffer structure*/
typedef struct FLEXCANMb {
    uint32_t cs;                        /*!< Code and Status*/
    uint32_t msg_id;                    /*!< Message Buffer ID*/
    uint8_t data[kFlexCanMessageSize];  /*!< Bytes of the FlexCAN message*/
} flexcan_mb_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN configuration*/
typedef struct FLEXCANUserConfig {
    uint32_t num_mb;                                /*!< The number of Message Buffers needed*/
    uint32_t max_num_mb;                            /*!< The maximum number of Message Buffers*/
    flexcan_rx_fifo_id_filter_num_t num_id_filters; /*!< The number of Rx FIFO ID filters needed*/
    bool is_rx_fifo_needed;                         /*!< 1 if needed; 0 if not*/
    bool is_rx_mb_needed;                        /*!< 1 if needed; 0 if not*/
} flexcan_user_config_t;

/*! @brief FlexCAN timing related structures*/
typedef struct FLEXCANTimeSegment {
    uint32_t propseg;     /*!< Propagation segment*/
    uint32_t pseg1;       /*!< Phase segment 1*/
    uint32_t pseg2;       /*!< Phase segment 2*/
    uint32_t pre_divider; /*!< Clock pre divider*/
    uint32_t rjw;         /*!< Resync jump width*/
} flexcan_time_segment_t;

 * API

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

 * @name Configuration
 * @{

 * @brief Enables FlexCAN controller.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_enable(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables FlexCAN controller.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_disable(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Checks whether the FlexCAN is enabled or disabled.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  State of FlexCAN enable(0)/disable(1)
static inline bool flexcan_hal_is_enabled(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    return BR_CAN_MCR_MDIS(instance);

 * @brief Resets the FlexCAN controller.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_sw_reset(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Selects the clock source for FlexCAN.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   clk         The FlexCAN clock source
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_select_clk(uint8_t instance, flexcan_clk_source_t clk);

 * @brief Initializes the FlexCAN controller.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data   The FlexCAN platform data.
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_init(uint8_t instance, const flexcan_user_config_t *data);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN time segments for setting up bit rate.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   time_seg    FlexCAN time segments, which need to be set for the bit rate.
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
void flexcan_hal_set_time_segments(uint8_t instance, flexcan_time_segment_t *time_seg);

 * @brief Gets the  FlexCAN time segments to calculate the bit rate.
 * @param   instance    The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   time_seg    FlexCAN time segments read for bit rate
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
void flexcan_hal_get_time_segments(uint8_t instance, flexcan_time_segment_t *time_seg);

 * @brief Un freezes the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
void flexcan_hal_exit_freeze_mode(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Freezes the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enter_freeze_mode(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Enables operation mode.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   mode         An operation mode to be enabled
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_enable_operation_mode(
    uint8_t instance,
    flexcan_operation_modes_t mode);

 * @brief Disables operation mode.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   mode         An operation mode to be disabled
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_disable_operation_mode(
    uint8_t instance,
    flexcan_operation_modes_t mode);


 * @name Data transfer
 * @{

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN message buffer fields for transmitting.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @param   cs           CODE/status values (TX)
 * @param   msg_id       ID of the message to transmit
 * @param   mb_data      Bytes of the FlexCAN message
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_mb_tx(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx,
    flexcan_mb_code_status_tx_t *cs,
    uint32_t msg_id,
    uint8_t *mb_data);

 * @brief Set the FlexCAN message buffer fields for receiving.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @param   cs           CODE/status values (RX)
 * @param   msg_id       ID of the message to receive
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_mb_rx(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx,
    flexcan_mb_code_status_rx_t *cs,
    uint32_t msg_id);

 * @brief Gets the FlexCAN message buffer fields.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @param   mb           The fields of the message buffer
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_get_mb(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx,
    flexcan_mb_t *mb);

 * @brief Locks the FlexCAN Rx message buffer.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_lock_rx_mb(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx);

 * @brief Unlocks the FlexCAN Rx message buffer.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
static inline void flexcan_hal_unlock_rx_mb(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    /* Unlock the mailbox */

 * @brief Enables the Rx FIFO.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_rx_fifo(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables the Rx FIFO.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_rx_fifo(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Sets the number of the Rx FIFO filters.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   number       The number of Rx FIFO filters
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_fifo_filters_number(uint8_t instance, uint32_t number);

 * @brief Sets  the maximum number of Message Buffers.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
void flexcan_hal_set_max_mb_number(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data);

 * @brief Sets the Rx FIFO ID filter table elements.
 * @param   instance                The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data                    The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   id_format               The format of the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table Elements
 * @param   id_filter_table         The ID filter table elements which contain if RTR bit,
 *                                  IDE bit and RX message ID need to be set.
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_id_filter_table_elements(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    flexcan_rx_fifo_id_element_format_t id_format,
    flexcan_id_table_t *id_filter_table);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx FIFO fields.
 * @param   instance                The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data                    The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   id_format               The format of the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table Elements
 * @param   id_filter_table         The ID filter table elements which contain RTR bit, IDE bit,
 *                                  and RX message ID.
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_rx_fifo(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    flexcan_rx_fifo_id_element_format_t id_format,
    flexcan_id_table_t *id_filter_table);

 * @brief Gets the FlexCAN Rx FIFO data.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   rx_fifo      The FlexCAN receive FIFO data
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed.
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_read_fifo(
    uint8_t instance,
    flexcan_mb_t *rx_fifo);


 * @name Interrupts
 * @{

 * @brief Enables the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_enable_mb_interrupt(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx);

 * @brief Disables the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_disable_mb_interrupt(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx);

 * @brief Enables error interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_error_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables error interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_error_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Enables Bus off interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_bus_off_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables Bus off interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_bus_off_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Enables Wakeup interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_wakeup_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables Wakeup interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_wakeup_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Enables TX warning interrupt of the FlexCAN module
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_tx_warning_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables TX warning interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_tx_warning_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Enables RX warning interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_enable_rx_warning_interrupt(uint8_t instance);

 * @brief Disables RX warning interrupt of the FlexCAN module.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_disable_rx_warning_interrupt(uint8_t instance);


 * @name Status
 * @{

 * @brief Gets the value of FlexCAN freeze ACK.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  freeze ACK state (1-freeze mode, 0-not in freeze mode).
static inline uint32_t flexcan_hal_get_freeze_ack(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);
    return HW_CAN_MCR(instance).B.FRZACK;

 * @brief Gets the individual FlexCAN MB interrupt flag.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @return  the individual MB interrupt flag (0 and 1 are the flag value)
uint8_t flexcan_hal_get_mb_int_flag(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t *data,
    uint32_t mb_idx);

 * @brief Gets all FlexCAN MB interrupt flags.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  all MB interrupt flags
static inline uint32_t flexcan_hal_get_all_mb_int_flags(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);
    return HW_CAN_IFLAG1_RD(instance);

 * @brief Clears the interrupt flag of the message buffers.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   reg_val      The value to be written to the interrupt flag1 register.
/* See fsl_flexcan_hal.h for documentation of this function.*/
static inline void flexcan_hal_clear_mb_int_flag(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t reg_val)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);

    /* Clear the corresponding message buffer interrupt flag*/
    HW_CAN_IFLAG1_SET(instance, reg_val);

 * @brief Gets the transmit error counter and receives the error counter.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   err_cnt      Transmit error counter and receive error counter
void flexcan_hal_get_err_counter(
    uint8_t instance,
    flexcan_berr_counter_t *err_cnt);

 * @brief Gets error and status.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  The current error and status
static inline uint32_t flexcan_hal_get_err_status(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);
    return HW_CAN_ESR1_RD(instance);

 * @brief Clears all other interrupts in ERRSTAT register (Error, Busoff, Wakeup).
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
void flexcan_hal_clear_err_interrupt_status(uint8_t instance);


 * @name Mask
 * @{

 * @brief Sets the Rx masking type.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   type         The FlexCAN Rx mask type
void flexcan_hal_set_mask_type(uint8_t instance, flexcan_rx_mask_type_t type);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN RX FIFO global standard mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   std_mask     Standard mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_fifo_global_std_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t std_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx FIFO global extended mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   ext_mask     Extended mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_fifo_global_ext_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t ext_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx individual standard mask for ID filtering in the Rx MBs and the Rx FIFO.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @param   std_mask     Individual standard mask
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_rx_individual_std_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t * data,
    uint32_t mb_idx,
    uint32_t std_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx individual extended mask for ID filtering in the Rx MBs and the Rx FIFO.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   data         The FlexCAN platform data
 * @param   mb_idx       Index of the message buffer
 * @param   ext_mask     Individual extended mask
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
flexcan_status_t flexcan_hal_set_rx_individual_ext_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    const flexcan_user_config_t * data,
    uint32_t mb_idx,
    uint32_t ext_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx MB global standard mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   std_mask     Standard mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_global_std_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t std_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN RX MB BUF14 standard mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   std_mask     Standard mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_buf14_std_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t std_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx MB BUF15 standard mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   std_mask     Standard mask
 * @return  0 if successful; non-zero failed
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_buf15_std_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t std_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN RX MB global extended mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   ext_mask     Extended mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_global_ext_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t ext_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN RX MB BUF14 extended mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   ext_mask     Extended mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_buf14_ext_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t ext_mask);

 * @brief Sets the FlexCAN RX MB BUF15 extended mask.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @param   ext_mask     Extended mask
void flexcan_hal_set_rx_mb_buf15_ext_mask(
    uint8_t instance,
    uint32_t ext_mask);

 * @brief Gets the FlexCAN ID acceptance filter hit indicator on Rx FIFO.
 * @param   instance     The FlexCAN instance number
 * @return  RX FIFO information
static inline uint32_t  flexcan_hal_get_rx_fifo_id_acceptance_filter(uint8_t instance)
    assert(instance < HW_CAN_INSTANCE_COUNT);
    return BR_CAN_RXFIR_IDHIT(instance);


#if defined(__cplusplus)

/*! @}*/

#endif /* __FSL_FLEXCAN_HAL_H__*/

 * EOF